Basel earthquake area

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The earthquake area of Basel is located on the Upper Rhine Graben , one of the most active earthquake areas in German-speaking countries. It is repeatedly shaken by light and stronger tremors . The strongest known earthquake , the " Basel earthquake of 1356 ", is also the strongest known earthquake north of the Alps . The greatest damage was caused by the fires as a result of the destruction caused by the quake: Since many houses were made of wood, the flames from open fireplaces could spread quickly.

Even today, the buildings in the city and the Basel region are not entirely earthquake-proof . Another earthquake of similar magnitude as in 1356 could have devastating effects and cause damage of around 50 billion Swiss francs. The locally based chemical companies such as Novartis , whose toxic products could flow into the Rhine ( -> major fire in Schweizerhalle ), the nearby nuclear power plants such as Beznau , Fessenheim or Leibstadt and the dams of the reservoirs in the neighboring Black Forest , z. B. at Schluchsee . In recent years, critical public buildings and buildings by Basler Chemie have been adapted to the seismic standards of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA).

On December 5, 2004, a magnitude 5.4 quake was measured in the region . The epicenter was between Waldkirch and St. Peter am Kandel about 45 km north on the German side of the Rhine in Baden-Württemberg .

Around the turn of the year 2006/2007 the Basel region was shaken by tremors up to magnitude 3.5, the cause of which was probably the geothermal energy extraction project Deep Heat Mining Basel . No major damage was known.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. How big is the risk with geothermal energy?, January 23, 2007, archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; Retrieved June 11, 2009 .