Results of the elections to the European Parliament in Denmark

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The following tables show the results of the direct elections to the European Parliament in Denmark .

Graphic representation of the allocation of seats

The party letters are given .

1979 F. A. V M. C. Z N
1984 F. A. V M. C. N
1989 F. A. V M. C. N
1994 F. A. B. V C. N J
1999 F. A. B. V C. O N J
2004 F. A. B. V C. O N J
2009 F. A. V C. O N
2014 F. A. B. V C. O N
2019 O F. A. B. V C. O

Table of results

The table contains the letter of the party, the name of the party, the percentage of votes and mandates won.

Political party 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014
A. Social democrats 21.8% 3 19.3% 3 23.3% 4th 15.8% 3 16.5% 3 32.6% 5 21.5% 4th  19.1%  3
N Folkebevægelsen mod EU 20.9% 4th 20.7% 4th  18.9% 4th 10.3% 2 7.3% 1 5.2% 1 7.2% 1 8.1% 1
V Venstre 14.4% 3 12.4% 2 16.6% 3 19.0% 4th 23.4% 5 19.4% 3 20.2% 3 16.7% 2
C. Conservative folk party 14.0% 2 20.7% 4th 13.3%  2 17.7% 3 8.5% 1 11.3%  1 12.7% 1  9.1% 1
M / D Centrum Democrats 6.1% 1 6.6% 1 8.0% 2 0.9% - 3.5% -
Z Fremskridtspartiet 5.7% 1 3.4% - 5.3% - 2.9% - 0.7% -
F. Socialistisk Folkeparti 4.7% 1 9.2% 2 9.1% 1 8.6% 1 7.1% 1 8.0 1 15.9% 2 11.0% 1
E. Danmarks Retsforbund 3.5% -
Y Venstresocialisterne 3.4% - 1.3% -
B. Radical Venstre 3.3%  - 1.6% - 2.8% -  8.5% 1 9.1% 1 6.4% 1 4.3% - 6.5% 1
Q / K Kristeligt Folkeparti / Kristdemokraterne 1.8% - 2.7% - 2.7% - 1.1%  - 2.0% - 1.3% -
J JuneBevægelsen 15.2% 2  16.1% 3 9.1% 1 2.4% -
O Dansk Folkeparti 5.8% 1  6.8% 1 15.3% 2 26.6%  4th
I. Liberal Alliance 0.6%  - 2.9%  -