Erich Jahn

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Erich Jahn (* July 23, 1907 ; † after 1934) was a German Hitler Youth leader.

Jahn was the son of a print shop owner . After attending elementary school , he completed an apprenticeship as a printer. In his youth, Jahn began to get involved in circles of the extreme political right: After having been active in the Bismarck League for years , he joined the NSDAP in 1929 . In the party he took on functionary duties in the Hitler Youth, in which he quickly took on a leading role. In 1931 Baldur von Schirach appointed Jahn area leader of the most important Hitler Youth area, the Greater Berlin area , which Jahn was in charge of until November 16, 1934.

On November 16, 1934, Jahn was appointed to the staff of the Reich Youth Leadership and was entrusted with "looking after the interests of the state youth care in the context of the HJ at the Berlin State Youth Office". His previous position as area leader of Greater Berlin was transferred to Artur Axmann .


  • Werner Klose : Generation in lockstep. The Hitler Youth. A documentary report. Oldenburg-Hamburg-Munich 1982, ISBN 3-7979-1365-6 .
  • Baldur von Schirach: The Pioneers of the Third Reich . Essen 1933.