Werner Klose

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Werner Klose (born March 20, 1923 in Hünern near Breslau ; † November 3, 1987 in Schleswig-Holstein ) was a German teacher, educator and author. He published short stories, non-fiction books and articles in specialist and popular newspapers and magazines.


From 1945 to 1950 Werner Klose studied German , history , philosophy and pedagogy at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel and completed his studies with the state examination in German and history. In 1944 he married Ruth Konietzny from Breslau. The marriage resulted in two sons and two daughters. After the state examination he went to the North Sea High School in Sankt Peter-Ording as a trainee lawyer and worked there as a teacher until his retirement. 1971/1972 he was a consultant for media didactics and basic questions of curriculum development in the school department of the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Culture. He was jointly responsible for the organization of North German school television. From 1972 until his retirement in 1984, in addition to his teaching activities, he also worked as a full-time director of studies for pedagogy in teacher training at the Schleswig-Holstein State Institute for Practice and Theory of Schools (IPTS) in Heide . In addition to his work as a teacher and pedagogue, Werner Klose was active in journalism and writing in a variety of ways. In 1987 he was killed in a traffic accident.


Werner Klose wrote a number of fiction works and non-fiction books.


Since 1952, Klose devoted himself to writing in addition to his school commitment. In 1953 he wrote the novella Jenseits der Schleuse , in which Klose processed the experiences he had as a young soldier in World War II in literary terms. In many of his stories that followed, he also addressed the horrors of war, the problem of responsibility and guilt. In doing so, he primarily used the prose form of the typical short story of post-war Germany. He wrote the youth book Markgraf Willehalm as a retelling of an almost unknown work by Wolfram von Eschenbach and wrote short game texts for children and young people.


In 1961, Klose wrote with Hitler. A report for young citizens a political book for young people with the aim of informing young people and giving them helpful standards for the present and the future by criticizing the past. In other non-fiction books, Klose dealt with the phenomenon of youth under National Socialism and the history of the youth movement . Klose illuminated the phenomenon of generation change in relay alternations. Five generations shape our world . In 1974 he made a contribution to working with radio plays in class with his book Didaktik des Hörspiels .

Journalistic activity

In terms of content, Klose's journalistic work was closely linked to his teaching post. He observed the generation problem critically and wrote numerous articles in magazines and newspapers on current topics of the time. His focus was particularly on schools and youth in currents of social change in post-war Germany.

Radio and radio play

Klose worked with the NDR from an early age . In 1959 his radio play The Graduate Exam , directed by Egon Monk, was broadcast on the radio. He remained loyal to broadcasting through critical contributions to controversial socio-political and philosophical issues.

School literature

As a teacher at a grammar school, he dealt with methodological and didactic issues of German teaching. He was co-editor of the reading book series TS by Schroedel-Verlag , for which he also wrote various methodical productions. He wrote didactic essays and interpretations on a wide variety of topics in German lessons.


Schleswig-Holstein , Eiderstedt and especially Sankt Peter-Ording became home to Klose. The North Sea landscape and the people who live there inspired him to write short stories, columns and a non-fiction book on the history of the North Sea. He is one of the pioneers of the regional crime novel. His crime novels Murder in Sanderup and Sunday Murderer also attracted attention beyond the country's borders.


Works (selection)

Stories and novels

  • Beyond the lock (Tübingen, 1953)
  • Margrave Willehalm (Tübingen, 1954)
  • The big carousel. Stories (Tübingen, 1959)
  • Murder in Sanderup. Detective novel (Hamburg, 1982)
  • Sunday murderer. Detective novel (Hamburg, 1983)


  • Hitler. A report for young citizens (Tübingen, 1961)
  • Generation in step. The Hitler Youth (Oldenburg, 1964, 1982)
  • Hitler and his state (Tübingen, 1970, 1979)
  • Didactics of the radio play (Stuttgart, 1977)
  • Relay change. Five generations shape our world (Osnabrück. 1983)
  • North Sea history. Coastal People Ships (Heide, 1987)

radio play

  • Matriculation examination. Radio play (print edition by Reclam-Verlag, Stuttgart 1961; first broadcast on August 23, 1959 on NDR)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Klose: life report . In: Gerhard Eckert and Friedrich Mülder (Hrsg.): Living literature in Schleswig-Holstein . Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, Husum 1987.
  2. Bodo Heimann: On the death of Werner Klose . In: Bodo Heimann (Ed.): Euterpe yearbook for literature in Schleswig-Holstein . No. 5 . Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, Husum 1987.
  3. As an example (for many) an article from the weekly newspaper Die Zeit may serve, which is still available in the archive today: http://www.zeit.de/1977/51/hitler-in-der-schule
  4. As early as 1955, the essay Radio Play Trials in German Classes appeared in the journal Wirkendes Wort (2/1955). Many more specialist articles in various journals follow.