History studies

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The history course prepares students for the final examination in the university subject history and later work as historians .


History is usually studied at a university in a history department belonging to the philosophy faculty, but the titles can be different.

The requirements and the structure of the course are regulated by study regulations, which are issued by the respective faculty (or corresponding institution). The study regulations belong to a specific degree . Example: Regulations for the master’s examination of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Cologne from March 13, 1997

Depending on the degree you are aiming for, you study one or more subjects. For the teacher to study two subjects that are later subjects. For the Magister degree, you choose one major and two minor subjects, or two major subjects and one minor. This can in turn be regulated differently at the individual universities, for example the choice of minor subjects is not completely free. Often a language and / or part of history is combined with history as a major. Example: Major in Medieval and Modern History, first minor: Ancient History, second minor: German Philology.

The traditional teaching and master's degree programs are divided into basic and main courses . The basic course conveys the basics of history and methodological tools of the historian in proseminars (also: basic level seminars) and exercises. The basic course ends with an intermediate examination. In the main course, the students are expected to tend to be more independent. Throughout the course, lectures are intended to expand the students' historical knowledge and provide an overview of current research.

Completion of studies

Proof of successfully attending the seminars is provided, which is presented to the respective examination office at the end of the actual course. The study regulations stipulate which certificates are required (in which sub-areas of the subjects). You must also be able to specify a certain number of hours per week in the semester .

In addition to oral and written examinations, the study regulations normally provide for the writing of a final thesis, which is called the state examination paper in the teacher training course and a master's thesis in the master’s degree. At the end of their studies, the student should use a (usually self-chosen) historical topic to show that he can scientifically work on a historical problem in a given time using scientific methods.


Web links

Wiktionary: History study  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations