Commemorative medal for the liberation of Transylvania

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The Siebenburg Memorial Medal

The commemorative medal of the liberation of Transylvania ( hu. Erdélyi Emlékérem ) was on October 1, 1940, the Hungarian regent and head of state Miklós Horthy as a reminder of the recovery of part of Transylvania donated and could of to all involved Hungarian armed forces be given that the occupation of the area. According to the date of its foundation, it was the second of three commemorative medals that had been donated on the occasion of the Hungarian territory expansion.


The medal is matt gray and shows in the center of its obverse the side relief of the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus , who was born in Transylvania on February 23, 1443. His relief bears the inscription ERDÉLYI.RÉSZEK.FELSZABADULÁSÁNAK.EMLÉKÉRE 1940 (In memory of the liberation of parts of Transylvania).

In the reverse the historical coat of arms of Transylvania with the inscription VITÉZ. NAGYBÁNYAI. HORTHY. MIKLÓS. KORMÁNYZÓ. ORSZÁGLÁSÁNAK. XX. ÉVÉBEN (in the 20th year of the reign of the knight Nikolaus Horthy of Nagybánya) and then MÁTYÁS. KIRÁLY. SZÜLETÉSÉNEK. 500th ÉVFORDULÓJÁN (On the 500th birthday of King Matthias)

Carrying method

The medal was worn on the left side of the chest on a 39 mm wide blue ribbon.


  • Roman von Procházka : Austrian Order Handbook , Ed .: Graf Klenau OHG, Munich 1974, p. 134.
  • Ágnes Makai and Vera Héri: Kereszt, Érem, Csillag - Kitüntetések a magyar történelemben , Helikon Kiadó 2002, ISBN 9789632087580

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Excerpt from the description of the medal, printed in the magazine Uniform-Markt, issue 7, year 1943, p. 5.