Erna Lugebiel

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Erna Lugebiel (* 1898 in Berlin ; † 1984 there ) was a German resistance fighter and 1944–1945 prisoner in the Ravensbrück concentration camp .

In 1940 Erna Lugebiel joined a resistance group. She was arrested on July 29, 1943. After an odyssey through various Berlin prisons, she ended up in the Ravensbrück women's concentration camp in 1944, despite an acquittal. There she became one of the room elders in the infirmary block. She used her position to stand up for the women under her control.

Erna Lugebiel always stayed in touch with her former fellow sufferers. Together with her daughter Ingrid Rabe-Lugebiel, she campaigned for the social recognition of the camp inmates until her death and was committed to coming to terms with the past.


  • “The comradeship was the highest for me”: Erna Lugebiel pp. 147–184 in: Gerda Szepansky : Women resist: 1933-1945. Life stories based on interviews and documents . Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt 1994, ISBN 3-596-23741-6 .


  • The elders of Block 7 Ravensbrück women's concentration camp. VHS video cassette, 85 min, Federal Republic of Germany 1983. Summary: Erna Lugebiel from Berlin and her daughter report on experiences from the time of the Weimar Republic and the Nazi seizure of power . Her resistance and her help for those persecuted in the Nazi state as well as her imprisonment in the women's concentration camp are discussed.