Ernst Ritscher

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Ernst Heinrich Benjamin Ritscher (* before 1826; † 1859 ) was a German doctor .


From 1826 Ritscher worked as a doctor in Bad Lauterberg in the Harz Mountains . In 1839 he opened a cold water spa there . After his death in 1859, his sons Diedrich († 1881) and later Hermann († 1896) continued his work, adapting to newer medical knowledge.


  • The Ritscher monument on the Scholben was erected in his honor.
  • Ritscherstraße in Bad Lauterberg is located between Schulstraße and the Oder promenade (location) .
  • A Ritscher room was set up in the local history museum in Bad Lauterberg.

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Individual evidence

  1. The Ritscher monument on the Scholben
  2. The Ritscher monument on the Scholben
  3. The local history museum in Bad Lauterberg