Ertatsminda Cathedral

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The Ertatsminda Cathedral of the Holy Estates ( Eustathius of Mtskheta ) ( Georgian ერთაწმინდის ტაძარი ) is a medieval Georgian Orthodox cathedral in the Georgian region of Inner Cartlia , in the municipality of Kaspi , in the center of the village of the same name Ertatsminda . The name "Ertazminda" is a dissimilated form of the word "Estatezminda" ( Georgian ესტატეწმინდა , dt .: holy Eustathius).

The cathedral was built in the 13th century. It is made of well-hewn stone. Its large dome rests on two free-standing pillars. The apse is flanked by two two-story side rooms. The cathedral is decorated with wall paintings. The building is particularly known for its rich facade, which bears an ornamented cross.

The Ertatsminda Cathedral is stylistically similar to the churches from the 12th-13th centuries. Century, so the Ikorta Church , Pitareti , Betania , Kwatachewi , Zughrughascheni and others.

Since the 17th century, the Ertatsminda Cathedral has belonged to the Georgian landowners Tarchnishvili. Then it became a family cemetery of the Saakadze family. In this cathedral the head of Paata Saakadze, son of Giorgi Saakadze , was buried.

Web links

Commons : Ertatsminda Cathedral  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  • საქართველოს ისტორიის და კულტურის ძეგლთა აღწერილობა, ტ. 5, თბ., 1990 წ.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d ერთაწმინდა . Retrieved October 20, 2010.

Coordinates: 41 ° 51 ′ 46.8 ″  N , 44 ° 19 ′ 30 ″  E