Erwin Gross (painter)

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Erwin Gross (born April 6, 1953 in Langenbrücken , Baden) has been professor of painting at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe since 1989 , and was its rector from 2000 to 2012.

He himself studied at the Karlsruhe Academy with Peter Ackermann and was also active in the student council as chairman of the General Student Committee (AStA) during his studies . The artist lived and worked for a long time at De Ateliers in Haarlem , the Netherlands.

In 1982 Erwin Gross was a participant in documenta 7 . He had numerous solo exhibitions, including in London, Amsterdam, Basel, Frankfurt, Berlin, Baden-Baden and Karlsruhe. Erwin Gross lives and works in Karlsruhe.

Exhibitions (selection)


  • Catalog for the Erwin Gross exhibition from March 2 to April 16, 1988, Galerie Neuendorf Frankfurt / Main
  • Catalog for the Erwin Gross exhibition from February 15 to June 1, 2008, Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-923344-71-0

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