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Erythrocruorin, Lumbricus terrestris
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Erythrocruorin, Lumbricus terrestris

Erythrocruorin is an oxygen-transporting protein complex of many annelids and arthropods that is counted among the globins . By assembling several hundred subunits, it has a molar mass of several million Daltons . Chlorocruorin acts as a prosthetic group . Erythrocruorin is not packaged in cells, but is found both in the blood and in the coelom of the animal. It has a higher O 2 - affinity than similar proteins of other organisms (eg. Hemoglobin ). As a result, the animals are able to tolerate hypoxic conditions , as they often form in their habitats ( sediments , intertidal zones ).

An example is the erythrocruorin of the rope worm ( Lumbricus terrestris ), which is made up of twelve heterododecamers of the globin subunits A, B, C and D (= 144) and 36 connecting proteins.

further reading

Individual evidence

  1. InterPro: Erythrocruorin
  2. Strand K, Knapp JE, Bhyravbhatla B, Royer WE: Crystal structure of the hemoglobin dodecamer from Lumbricus erythrocruorin: allosteric core of giant annelid respiratory complexes . In: J. Mol. Biol. . 344, No. 1, November 2004, pp. 119-34. doi : 10.1016 / j.jmb.2004.08.094 . PMID 15504406 .