Esmail Khoi

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Esmail Khoi

Esmail Khoi , also Esmail Kho'i (* 1938 in Mashhad , Iran , according to the Iranian calendar: 9th Tir 1317) is an Iranian author who has lived in exile since 1983 .


Khoi was raised in Iran and England . In Iran he was a lecturer in philosophy during the 1960s and 1970s. He was a founding member of the Writers' Association of Iran and opposed the restrictions on intellectual freedoms under the Shah's regime . In the face of the censorship in Iran at that time, he developed his own symbolism in his poems combined with a melodic, profound language.

Khoi was fired from his university post as he turned more and more to opposition and revolutionary activism. However, after the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the religious system suppressed it even more than before. Since 1980 he lived underground and left Iran in 1983. During the years of exile he described his own life and his struggle for human rights and political freedom. He publicly stood up for Taslima Nasrin and Salman Rushdie .

Some of his poems have been available in English translation since the 1990s, and a volume in German since 2012.



  • 1995: Edges of Poetry: Selected Poetry , Blue Logos Press, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • 1999: Outlandia: Songs of Exile . Selected and translated into English by Ahmad Karimi-Hakak and Michael Beard, introduction by Erik Nakjavani. Nik Publishers, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Weidner : The inner insecurity. Poet of Iranian Pain: Esmail Kho'i . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of January 5, 2013, p. 33.