Estado (unit)

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The Estado , Estadal , Braza or Toesa , was a Spanish measure of length. It corresponded to the thread or the fathom .

  • 1 Estado = 1 ½ Passos = 2 Varas = 4 Codos = 6 Pies = 8 Palmo mayores = 24 Palmos menores = 72 Pulgados = 96 Dedos = 1152 Lineas
  • 1 Estado = 751 4/5 Paris Lines (751.8) = 1.67 meters = 1.695 meters

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Samuel Ricard, Thomas Heinrich Gadebusch : Handbook of the merchants: or general overview and description ..., Volume 2, Verlag Anton Ferdinand Röse, Greifswald 1784, p. 300.
  2. ^ Association of practical merchants: Latest illustrated trade and goods lexicon or encyclopedia of the entire trade science for merchants and manufacturers: Volume 1. Verlag Ernst Schäfer, Leipzig 1857, p. 254.
  3. Alexander Lachmann: Latest illustrated coin, measure and weight. Moritz Schäfer Verlag, Leipzig 1867, Volume 2, p. 419
  4. ^ Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world .... Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 27.