Eugen Edmund Erbe

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Eugen Edmund Eduard Erbe (born November 5, 1847 in Reval ; † January 22, 1908 there ) was a German-Baltic lawyer and local politician.

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He was the son of the castle bailiff and lawyer Herman Erbe and his wife Emilie, geb. Eylandt. From 1858 to 1866 he attended a high school in Reval. He then studied law in Dorpat until 1871 and graduated the following year as a Cand. jur. from. He then worked in Reval until 1889 as a higher regional court and magistrate lawyer. He also worked as a secretary at the Wierland and Jerwschen Manngericht (1873 to 1878) as well as at the Lower Court and the Maritime and Freight Court (1878 to 1887). In 1880 he became an administrative member of Revaler Handelsbank, in 1887 councilor and president of the lower court and the sea and freight court.

In addition to his legal work, Erbe was involved in local politics in Reval. From 1878 to 1901 and again from 1905 he was a city ​​councilor and sat on the city ​​council from 1883 to 1906 . From 1897 to 1901 he was deputy head of the city, in 1905 he temporarily took over his duties. He was also President of the St. Olai Church Convention.

On November 2, 1879, he married Marie von Landesen.

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