Eugenia from Skene

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Eugenia von Skene (born October 30, 1906 in Birkenfeld , Principality of Birkenfeld , † unknown) was Kapo in the Ravensbrück concentration camp .

Von Skene, who worked as a telephone operator, was arrested in July 1939 on suspicion of espionage and taken to the Ravensbrück women's concentration camp on October 28, 1939, where she was incarcerated until the camp was liberated in spring 1945. During her detention, she became a kapo and block senior. After the war, she was accused of beating fellow inmates. She admitted the beating, but claimed that she had never hit an inmate so badly that he bled or had to go to the sick bay because of the beatings.

Eugenia von Skene was sentenced to ten years in prison in Hamburg in the first Ravensbrück trial in which she stated that she was a British citizen because of her marriage. She was released early from prison on December 21, 1951 as part of a Christmas amnesty.

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