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Eumelos ( Greek  Εὔμηλος ) is in ancient mythology:

  • Eumelos (Pherai) , son of Admetus and Alcestis, leader of the Pherai fleet in the Trojan War
  • Eumelos (Patrai) , first king of Patrai, father of Antheus, with whom Triptolemus stops (Pausanias 7.18.2)
  • Eumelos (father of Botres) , son of Eugnotos of Thebes, father of Botres (Antoninus Liberalis Metamorphosen 17)
  • Eumelos, son of Merops and father of Agron, see Agron (Kos)
  • Eumelus, a companion of Aeneas (Virgil, Aeneid, V, 665)
  • (also: Gadeiros ) a king of Atlantis, son of the god Poseidon and the mortal Kleito

Eumelos is the name of the following people: