Euphoria (programming language)

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Euphoria is a programming language and interpreter that was developed by Robert Craig for Rapid Deployment Software . The first version of Euphoria appeared in 1993 for the Atari ST , the current version 4.0.5 (as of January 25, 2013) is available for Windows , Linux , FreeBSD and MS-DOS . From version 3.0.0 onwards, Euphoria is under an open source license.

The goal when developing Euphoria was to develop a programming language that was particularly easy to learn, but powerful, and which should also keep up with compiled languages ​​in terms of speed . This goal has now been achieved. In addition, the manufacturer offers a tool with which Euphoria code can be translated into the programming language C and then compiled. Euphoria comes with a simple database.

The website also contains a user-contributed collection of more than 1,600 programs in source code for a wide variety of applications.


Here is a code example from the manual:

 sequence list, sorted_list
 function merge_sort(sequence x)
     integer n, mid
     sequence merged, a, b
     n = length(x)
     if n = 0 or n = 1 then
         return x -- trivial case
     end if
     mid = floor(n/2)
     a = merge_sort(x[1..mid])    -- sortiert die erste Hälfte von x
     b = merge_sort(x[mid+1..n])   -- sortiert die zweite Hälfte von x
     merged = {}
     while length(a) > 0 and length(b) > 0 do
         if compare(a[1], b[1]) < 0 then
             merged = append(merged, a[1])
             a = a[2..length(a)]
             merged = append(merged, b[1])
             b = b[2..length(b)]
         end if
     end while
     return merged & a & b
 end function
 procedure print_sorted_list()
     list = {9, 10, 3, 1, 4, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2}
     sorted_list = merge_sort(list)
     ? sorted_list
 end procedure

The program then gives

 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}


The central data type of Euphoria are so-called sequences. Here's an example:

{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}
{1, 2, {3, 3, 3}, 4, {5, {6}}}
{{"jon", "smith"}, 52389, 97.25}
{x+6, 9, y*w+2, sin(0.5)}

Sequences can be nested within one another as required. This makes it very easy to display trees , for example .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Euphoria benchmark
  2. Euphoria source code archive

Web links