European Economic Association
The European Economic Association (Engl. European Economic Association , briefly EEA ) is an association of European economists . It was launched in 1984 by Louis Phlips . Jacques Drèze became its first president. The EEA holds workshops and congresses and awards various awards such as the John R. Hicks - Jan Tinbergen - Medal , the Yrjö Jahnsson Prize or the Birgit Grodal Prize . It also publishes the Journal of the European Economic Association . Eliana La Ferrara ( Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi ) is the current President.
Individual evidence
- ^ History of the EEA
- ↑ Official Journal Website
- ^ Journal information on the EEA website
- ↑ Eliana La Ferrara's personal website
- ↑ Personal details on the EEA website