European Syriac Union

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The European Syriac Union is an umbrella organization of various Syrian-Aramaic-speaking political organizations and cultural associations in Europe , which was founded in May 2004. The group came into being after the prohibition of the Mesopotamia Freedom Party (Gabo d'Hirutho d'Bethnahrin, GHB, formerly: Patriotic Revolutionary Organization of Bethnahrin, PROB / Bethnahrin Patriotic Revolution Organization). The organization, based in Brussels , operates the Suroyo TV channel .


The Mesopotamia National Council was an organization in Turkey that fought for the recognition of a separate state for the Syriacs in Beth Nahrain. After the extensive suppression of the Kurdistan Workers' Party , the Council's sponsor, the Mesopotamia Freedom Party, was also the target of repression. Since 2003 the Mesopotamia Council is classified as a terrorist organization and disbanded. In 2004, 242 delegates founded the European Syriac Union to represent the interests of the various groups in Europe.


  • Syrianska-Assyriska Riksförbundet i Sverige ( Sweden )
  • Renyo Hiro Magazine (Sweden)
  • Union of the Syriac Associations in Switzerland ( Switzerland )
  • Union of the Assyrian-Syriac Associations in Germany ( Deutschland )
  • Bethnahrin Information Bureau in the Netherlands ( Netherlands )
  • Institut Mésopotamie de Bruxelles ( Belgium )
  • Center Culturel du Peuple de Mésopotamie in Belgium (Belgium)
  • Assyrian-Syriac Culture Club of Vienna ( Austria )
  • Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac Union (ACSU)
  • Union of the Free Women of Bethnahrin (HNHB)
  • Union of the Youth of Mesopotamia (HCB)

Web links

Individual evidence
