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Eurybiades , son of Eurykleides, was a Spartan naval commander ( Nauarch ) at the time of the Persian Wars .

In 480 BC He was nominal commander-in-chief of the united Greek fleet against the Xerxeszug , although the Spartans only provided 10 to 16 ships (the Athenians up to 180). First there was a battle at Artemision , after which the Greeks withdrew to Attica . Eurybiades let Themistocles , the commander of the Athenian contingent, persuade him not to withdraw the fleet any further, but to deliver a battle to the Persians in the Strait of Salamis . After the victory, he opposed Themistocles' proposal to pursue the Persian fleet and cut off the retreat across the Hellespont for the Persian army .



  1. Herodotus 8, 1-2 and 43-44.
  2. Herodotus 8: 58-64.
  3. Herodotus 8, 108.