Eusebi Estada

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Eusebi Estada i Sureda , Spanish Eusebio Estada y Sureda , (* 1843 in Palma , † November 19, 1917 ibid) was a Spanish civil engineer . In the second half of the 19th century he had a decisive influence on the expansion of the traffic routes on the Balearic island of Mallorca .


After studying engineering in Madrid, Eusebi Estada returned to Mallorca in 1868. In 1888 he took over the post of chief engineer for public buildings in the Balearic Islands, which he held until 1907. This position as well as his extensive planning and journalistic activities made him one of the most influential personalities in the infrastructural development and expansion of Mallorca in the decades before the First World War . His contribution to the construction of a Mallorcan railway network and the demolition of the city walls of Palma should be emphasized. In addition, he supervised the implementation of older plans for road construction and the erection of lighthouses.

After the failure of several previous projects to build a railway line on Mallorca, Eusebi Estada presented his studies in 1871 on the economic possibility of setting up a rail route from Palma to Inca . In it he propagated the construction of railway lines depending on their economic profitability as well as the construction of a narrow-gauge railway between Palma and Inca , which was to be financed exclusively with Mallorcan capital. To implement the plan, the first Mallorcan railway company, the Sociedad del Ferrocarril de Mallorca , was founded in June 1872 . The expansion of the line network was carried out by the successor company Ferrocarriles de Mallorca , with Estada continuing to act as the chief engineer for the planning and construction of the lines.

In his work The City of Palma. Its trade, its fortifications, its sanitary conditions and its expansion, with an appendix on the conditions that houses must unite in order to be sustainable from 1885, Eusebi Estada analyzed the living conditions in Palma and made suggestions for their improvement. His most important demand was the demolition of the city fortifications, which had become militarily insignificant and would stand in the way of the further development of Palma. The book was the decisive impetus to revive older discussions about the demolition of the fortifications and a planned expansion of the city. A design by the civil engineer Bernardo Calvet y Girona was the winner of an 1897 tender by the city council for a project for the urban expansion of Palma . Estada may have co-authored the only defeated competition design.

In his position as chief engineer for public buildings, Eusebi Estada was responsible for the implementation of existing plans, such as the Balearic road construction plan Plan General de Carreteras de Baleares from 1849 and the state plan for the construction of maritime light signals Plan General para el Alumbrado Marítimo de las Costas y Puertos de España e Islas Adyacentes from 1847. Therefore, numerous traffic routes and lighthouses on the main Balearic islands were expanded or newly built under his leadership. His own designs on Mallorca were the road from Inca to Lluc (1888–1893) and the lighthouses Punta de l'Avançada near Pollença and Tramontana on the island of Dragonera . During his tenure, Estada also drew up a plan for the urban water and sanitation of Palma. However, this project was no longer realized during his lifetime.

In 1880, Estada designed and managed the new construction of the Harinera Mallorquina (also Harinera Balear ) mill in the city of Marratxí (industrial area Pont d'Inca ). With seven floors, the industrial building was the tallest building on Mallorca in the 19th century. It had 365 windows, corresponding to the number of days in a year. In 1915 the building was destroyed by a dust explosion and fire, the chimney was preserved.

Eusebi Estaba died in his townhouse at the age of 74.


Calle Eusebio Estada in Palma

In 1902 Estada was made an honorary citizen ( Hijo Ilustre - literally: famous son ) of Palma. After its construction in 1914, the most important square in Palma was initially called Plaza de Eusebio Estada . The name was changed to Plaza de España on October 30, 1936 by the new Francoist rulers. At the same time, the previous Calle de Formentor was renamed Calle de Eusebio Estada (cat .: Carrer d 'Eusebi Estada ). Both renaming are still valid today.

See also


All titles are published under the Spanish version of the author's name.

  • Estudios sobre la posibilidad económica de establecer un camino de hierro de Palma a Inca (1871).
  • Obras públicas de las Baleares durante el año 1872 (1872).
  • Breves consideraciones sobre abastecimientos de agua (1878).
  • La ciudad de Palma. Su industria, sus fortificaciones, sus condiciones sanitarias y su ensanche, Palma de Mallorca 1885; second, revised edition: Ibid. 1892 (this in reprint: Lleonard Muntaner, Palma de Mallorca 2003, ISBN 84-95360-75-6 ).
  • Las construcciones primitivas de las islas Baleares (1885).
  • Condiciones que deben reunir las viviendas para que sean salubres (1886).
  • Historia y descripción de las obras de abastecimiento de Aguas de Manchester por John Frederic La Torre Bateman, artículos publicados en los Anales de la Construcción y de la Industria (1888).
  • La casa antigua de Palma de Mallorca llamada de los Bonaparte (1888).
  • Discurso leído por el Presidente de dicha sección D. Eusebio Estada en la noche del 17 de diciembre de 1889 al inaugurar la discusión del tema ... sobre la reforma urbana y sanitaria de la Ciudad de Palma (1890).
  • Mr James Nasmyth y la invención del martinete de vapor (1890).
  • Recordemos el pasado, pensemos en el porvenir (1902).
  • La reforma sanitaria de Palma (1905).
  • Contribución al estudio del abastecimiento de aguas potables de la Ciudad de Palma. Resumen de los trabajos efectuados por acuerdo de la comisión especial del Exmo. Ayuntamiento (1912).


  • J. Pere Brunet Estarelles: La Companyia dels Ferrocarrils de Mallorca Publisher: Institut D'Estudis Baleárics, June 1994, ISBN 84-87026-34-6 Language: Catalan
  • Ekkehard Schönherr: Modern Mallorca. From the "island with industry" to the "tourist paradise". Logos-Verlag, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-8325-4989-3
  • Nicolau S. Cañellas Serrano: El Ferrocarril a Mallorca. La via del progrés. Edicions Documenta Balear, Palma de Mallorca 2001, ISBN 84-95694-17-4 Language: Catalan

Individual evidence

  1. Ingo Thor: Eusebi Estada: Mallorca owes the railway to him. In: Mallorca newspaper. November 19, 2017, accessed July 30, 2020 .
  2. Ibid.
  3. Miquel Àngel Llauger i Llull: Evolució de la xarxa viària balear / Evolución de la red viaria balear , in: Sa Nostra, Col.legi d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports: 150 anys d'Obres Públiques a les Illes Balears. Palma de Mallorca 1996, pp. 41–63, here p. 54.
  4. Schönherr: Modernes Mallorca , p. 91ff.
  5. ^ Eusebi Estada i Sureda.
  6. Schönherr: Modernes Mallorca , p. 102ff.
  7. Ángel Martín Ramos: El efecto Cerdà. Ensanches mayores y menores. Madrid 2011, p. 240ff.
  8. Schönherr: Modernes Mallorca, pp. 86–90.
  9. ^ Rafael Soler Gayá: Segle i mig dels fars a les Balears / Siglo y medio de los faros en las Baleares. in: Sa Nostra, Col.legi d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports: 150 anys d'Obres Públiques a les Illes Balears. , Pp. 229-271, here p. 230.
  10. Ibid., Pp. 234-264.
  11. Vicent L. Salavert i Fabiani: Cap a una ciutat moderna, oberta i higiènica: Eusebi Estada la tradició higienista del seu temps ; Palma, XIX-49/2004 pp. 535-554.
  12. Gabriel Bibiloni: Els carrers de Palma , Palma 2012, pp. 601-603, ISBN 978-84-616-2222-1 .