Eva Gugenberger

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Eva Gugenberger (born January 14, 1960 in Vienna ) is an Austrian Romanist .


She studied Romance studies and ethnology at the University of Vienna . After completing her doctorate in Vienna in 1994, she is Professor of Romance Studies in Flensburg .

Fonts (selection)

  • Identity and language conflict in a pluriethnic society. A Sociolinguistic Study of Quechua Speakers in Peru . Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-85114-225-X .
  • as editor with Kathrin Sartingen : Hybridity - Transculturality - Creolization. Innovation and change in the culture, language and literature of Latin America . Vienna 2011, ISBN 3-643-50309-1 .
  • Theory and empiricism of migration linguistics. With a study of the Galicians in Argentina . Vienna 2018, ISBN 3-643-50414-4 .
  • as editor with Kerstin Störl and Teresa Valiente Catter: La reciprocidad entre lengua y cultura en las sociedades andinas. Estudios de romanística, lingüística y anthropología americana . Berlin 2019, ISBN 3-631-76598-3 .

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