Evangelical Church Tschöran

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Evangelical Church Tschöran

The Evangelical Church Tschöran is the Protestant church in the district of Tschöran in Steindorf am Ossiacher See in the cadastral community of Stiegl. The parish in the superintendent of Carinthia and East Tyrol has been independent since 1958.


Pulpit altar
Gallery and organ

The tolerance prayer house was built in 1803 as a hall church with a curved, retracted choir. The tower from the early 20th century with its three openings on the ground floor serves as a vestibule. He has mullioned windows sound window and a gable helmet.

The interior of the church has a flat ceiling with stucco ribs from the time it was built. The two-sided, angled wooden gallery extends along the north wall of the nave and rests on wooden baluster columns . The interior closure in the east is rounded and is dominated by the pulpit altar from 1780 . In the parapet of the pulpit there are painted representations of Salvator Mundi and the four evangelists. The sound cover is crowned by an Agnus Dei .

The church is a listed building ( list entry ).

Web links

Commons : Evangelical Church in Tschöran  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Who we are. Ev. Tschöran parish, accessed March 11, 2013 .
  2. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 975.

Coordinates: 46 ° 40 ′ 56.6 "  N , 13 ° 57 ′ 36"  E