Executive One

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Executive One is a civil aircraft radio call sign that carries the President of the United States .

Former President George W. Bush's flights on the day President Barack Obama took office were an exceptional case . On January 20, 2009, both the Marines helicopter, which normally carries the callsign Marine One , and the Boeing 747 , which normally are called calls Air Force One , calls Executive One when they transported George W. Bush from Washington to Texas.

If the president is not on board but a family member is on board, the nickname is Executive One Foxtrot (Foxtrot, the "F" in the ICAO spelling alphabet , stands for family ).

If the Vice President is on board a civil aircraft, his nickname is Executive Two , for family members it is Executive Two Foxtrot . Executive Two was used regularly when Nelson Rockefeller was Vice President. He privately owned a Gulfstream , which he preferred to the Air Force Douglas DC-9 that was intended for him. When Vice President Al Gore was needed at short notice on February 2, 2000 for a vote in the US Senate , he flew on a commercial plane from New York to Washington.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c faa.gov accessed on November 17, 2016
  2. Bush's last day: Calls, candy and a flight to Midland - CNN.com. In: cnn.com. edition.cnn.com, accessed November 17, 2016 .
  3. ^ Standing next to history: an agent's life inside the Secret Service . ISBN 0-312-33221-1 .
  4. ^ Gore Abortion Scramble. In: nytimes.com. partners.nytimes.com, accessed November 20, 2016 .