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The FEFCO-ESBO code (also International Fiberboard Case Code ; German: International Code for Shipping Packaging ) is an internationally valid code for describing packaging made from corrugated cardboard and solid cardboard . Established by European industry associations in the 1960s, the code was later adopted by the International Corrugated Case Association (ICCA) and is therefore in use worldwide.

Meaning of the abbreviations

FEFCO stands for Fédération Européenne des Fabricants de Carton Ondule (European Association of Corrugated Cardboard Manufacturers), founded in 1952, based in Brussels . Today: European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (keeping the acronym of the former French-speaking name).

ESBO stands for European Solid Board Organization , founded in 2004 as the successor organization to ASSCO ( Association Européenne des Fabricants de Caisses en Carton Compact , European association of manufacturers of solid board packaging), based in The Hague .

The code was originally developed by FEFCO and was only intended for packaging made of corrugated cardboard. In some cases, the outdated term FEFCO code is still used today as a short name .

Content of the code

The FEFCO-ESBO code assigns a four-digit number to all common forms of packaging made of corrugated cardboard or solid cardboard (regardless of their size). This is intended to facilitate communication between customers and manufacturers of this packaging, especially when they speak different languages. So z. B. the folding box with tuck-in lid and side flaps on the body (the usual packaging e.g. for packs of 10 3.5 ″ floppy disks , CD and DVD ± R blanks) coded as 0713 , the folding box with tucked-in base (linkage to the front wall), plug-in lid (linkage to the rear wall) and side flaps on the fuselage (the usual packaging e.g. for medicines) as 0211 .

The first two digits each stand for a basic type of packaging material:

  • 01 = Commercially available rolls and panels
  • 02 = folding boxes
  • 03 = box with lid (usually in two parts, e.g. shoe box with lid)
  • 04 = folding sleeves and trays
  • 05 = sliding boxes
  • 06 = rigid boxes
  • 07 = pre-glued boxes (folding bottom boxes and erect boxes)
  • 09 = interior fittings

The current 11th edition of the FEFCO-ESBO code contains codes for around 200 different types of packaging.

The ECMA code represents a similar classification, but only applies to folding boxes made of solid cardboard.

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