Geneva University of Applied Sciences

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Geneva University of Applied Sciences

The "Haute École de Gestion" (HEG) in Carouge emerged from the "écoles professionnelles genevoises" and has been a technical college since 1998 that has been affiliated with the Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO) . It is the only university of applied sciences in Switzerland that offers three different courses in the areas of business and services: business administration , business informatics and information & documentation .

Part-time and / or full-time training courses are possible in the three courses, which are completed with an HES diploma and can be used in the fields of business and administration. In cooperation with other universities of applied sciences, the HEG organizes professional training courses. The HEG continues to oversee research projects.


Business economist HES

The degree in business administration (HES) includes knowledge of company management, language training, management and IT. You can choose between full-time (3 years) and part-time (4 years) studies.

Business IT specialist HES

The course to become a business informatics specialist (HES) includes knowledge of "program engineering" and information systems as well as a course in business, communication and management.

Information science HES

In 1918, the School of Social Studies for Women was opened in Geneva. She trained public and social service personnel and also runs a library science department . This was called the "Department for Librarians / Secretaries" (section des bibliothécaires-secrétaires). The training of librarians was carried out together with the course for social workers until 1947. It included subject-specific courses in librarianship and literature as well as Latin .

The department of librarians / secretaries became the "School for Librarians" (École de bibliothécaire) in 1948. This created independence from the other branches of education at the school with their own study program. After the course offerings were revised, the School for Librarians became the School for Information and Documentation Sciences (École supérieure d'information documentaire, ESID) in 1990. The archivist was newly integrated into the program of the course. The school thus trained librarians, documentalists and archivists together. In 1998 the School for Information and Documentation Science became a course of study at the University of Applied Sciences. In 1999 he moved to the “de battelle” campus in Carouge .

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