Faithfull massacre

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In the Faithfull massacre in April 1838 near Benalla in the Australian state of Victoria , several European settlers were killed by Koori . About 100 Aborigines were killed in the following years .

In April 1838, 18 people, led by George and William Faithfull , were searching for land south of Wangaratta . There they were attacked by a large number of Aborigines in their camp near what is now Benalla . A koori and 8 to 13 Europeans died in this massacre named after the Faithfulls.

As a result of these clashes there were violent clashes between the settlers and the Aborigines over several years, in which around 100 Aborigines were killed. The reasons for the clashes with the consequences of death remained unclear. Still, it was probably about land for settlement and hunting, because the Europeans shot and threatened the local Aborigines. When the Reverend Docker came to this area and settled there, the clashes ended.

See also
