Fakfak (disambiguation)

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Fakfak (also: Fak-fak, Fak-Fak or Fak Fak) means:

  • the Fakfak (administrative district) of the Indonesian province of West Papua (Papua Barat)
  • the Fakfak district of the Indonesian government district of Fakfak, see Fakfak (district)
  • the capital Fakfak of the Indonesian administrative district Fakfak, see Fakfak
  • the peninsula in the administrative district, see Fakfak peninsula
  • the mountains in the administrative district, see Fakfak Mountains
  • the former Dutch administrative department (Dutch: Afdeling Fak-Fak ), which covered a larger area, see Fak-Fak (department)
  • one of the three subdivisions ( onderafdelingen ) into which the Fak-Fak department of Dutch New Guinea was divided, see Fak-Fak (subdivision)