Family home cooperative Zurich

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Family home cooperative Zurich

legal form cooperative
founding 1924
Seat Zurich , SwitzerlandSwitzerlandSwitzerland 
  • Martin Schweizer (Managing Director)
  • Karin Schulte (President)
Number of employees <50
sales 35.4 million CHF
Branch Real estate ( housing cooperative )
As of December 31, 2018

The Family Home Cooperative Zurich (FGZ) is a building cooperative rooted in the Zurich district of Friesenberg , which builds and rents affordable apartments for all generations. The focus of the FGZ is on households with children and on housing offers for the post-childhood phase.

For the city of Zurich, it represents an urban ensemble in which the model of the garden city was realized spatially, socially, functionally and aesthetically and can be experienced in a unique way to this day (2017). The unprotected ensemble of cultural assets is important throughout Switzerland and is valued by experts as highly worthy of protection.

Garden city of Friesenberg

Family home cooperative: 1st and 2nd stage (1932)

The FGZ was founded in 1924 with the English garden cities as a model. The current 24 settlements were built in sections over the decades. The oldest of these date from the years 1925 to 1934. A second construction phase followed from 1943 and lasted until the early 1970s. From the 1980s, in addition to various new buildings, replacement buildings were also built for the previous settlements.

The «Gartenstadt Friesenberg» includes 155 apartment buildings and 865 single-family houses with a total of 2,197 apartments as well as ten school and commercial buildings. It has a largely car-free inner network of paths and gardens with great biodiversity . The FGZ is one of the largest and oldest building cooperatives in Switzerland, with the peculiarity that practically all residential properties are located on the Friesenberg and thus have a significant impact on the district.

The master plan published by the cooperative and the city of Zurich in 2016 provides for the demolition and a denser development. The historical core of the garden city with the founding stages I and II (architect Fritz Reiber) as well as stages 5 and 6 "Klein- und Grossalbis" (architect Heinrich Peter, stages 3 to 9 and cooperative house), which are intended for Switzerland as Architecturally-historically unique works of the New Building are considered, comparable to the Werkbundsiedlung Neubühl .

Construction stages with year of construction

«Grossalbis» built in 1933 (2018)

Single-family / row houses = EF and apartments = Whg

  • 1 Pappelstrasse 1925 (EF 56, Whg. 21)
  • 2 Schweighofstrasse Nord 1926 (EF 29, 38 Whg.)
  • 3 Grünmatt 1929, replacement building in 2014 (EF 59, Whg. 96)
  • 4 Staffelhof 1929 (EF 59)
  • 5/6 Kleinal until 1931 (EF 97)
  • 7 Schweighofstrasse in mid-1932, replacement building in 1989 (Whg. 60)
  • 8 Grossalbis 1933 (EF 74)
  • 9 Schweighofstrasse Süd 1934 (EF 27)
  • 10 Unterer Schweighof II 1940s, replacement building in 1999 and 2005 (Whg. 28)
  • 11 Unterer Schweighof I 1940s, replacement building in 1998 (Whg. 95)
  • 12 Rossweidli, Langweid 1943 (EF 89)
  • 13 Arbental 1944 (EF 142)
  • 14 Bernhard-Jaeggi-Weg 1945 (EF 129)
  • 15 Schweigmatt 1948 (EF 11, Whg. 102)
  • 16 Adolf-Lüchinger-Strasse 1952 (EF 90, Whg. 79)
  • 17 Hegianwandweg 1952 (Whg. 87)
  • 18 Rossweidli 1954 (Whg. 99)
  • 19 Arbental II 1959 (Whg. 418)
  • 20 Friesenberghalde 1969 (Whg. 162)
  • 21 Administration building 1971 (Whg. 2)
  • 22 Flower House 1976 (Whg. 22)
  • 23 Manessehof 1984 (Whg. 43, outside Friesenberg)
  • 24 Brombeeriweg 2003 (Whg. 74)
  • 25 District Center Friesenberg 2019 (Whg. 101)


  • Markus Fischer, Evelyne Noth, Barbara Truog: Friesenberg Garden City. Family home cooperative Zurich, stages I / II . New Year's Gazette of the City of Zurich Homeland Security 2018, Stadtzürcher Heimatschutz SZH (Ed.), Zurich 2018, ISBN 978-3-9524249-4-0 .

Web links

Commons : Family Home Cooperative Zurich  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Annual Report 2018 (PDF; 3.9 MB) Retrieved on February 17, 2020 .
  2. Markus Fischer, Evelyne Noth, Barbara Truog: Garden City Friesenberg. Family home cooperative Zurich, stages I / II . New Year's Gazette of the Stadtzürcher Heimatschutz 2018, Stadtzürcher Heimatschutz SZH (publisher), Zurich 2018
  3. Irène Troxler: The Friesenberg sacrifices its heart. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . January 24, 2017, accessed March 23, 2020 .
  4. Patrick Gut: New buildings on Friesenberg: Zurich's first garden city falls victim to densification. In: Limmattaler Zeitung . January 19, 2018, accessed March 23, 2020 .
  5. Karin R. Lischner: Family Home Cooperative Zurich FGZ: Manessehof, Zurich-Wiedikon: Residential and commercial building superstructure . In: Living . tape 63 , issue 1, 1988, p. 5–10 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-105594 ( [PDF; 5.7 MB ; accessed on March 24, 2020]). Available at Wohnen Volume 63 (1988). In: E-Periodica . .
  6. ↑ Photo gallery of the first Zurich garden city. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . January 2018, accessed March 23, 2020 .