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The term family among traditionally covers such diverse phenomena as childlessness , Elternlosigkeit or Verwandtenlosigkeit. Here, however, problems of definition and demarcation arise in a pluralistic society.

Conservative authors discover behind voluntary familylessness a form of ego-society that correlates with the wish to have as little responsibility as necessary for others.

In his book The Shrinking Family Sector , Johannes Huinink asks himself whether childlessness or familylessness in the course of life should not be viewed as a new form of social deprivation .

Basically, different types of familylessness have to be considered:

Forced familylessness

For Karl Marx , the familylessness of the proletarians is a situation enforced by the bourgeoisie, which is then closely related to public prostitution. ( Communist Party Manifesto )

This has roots in classic slavery , because full exploitation of slave performance was only possible if there was no family and ruthless discipline.

With regard to the legal status of illegitimate children in old German law, one can speak of forced lack of a family, since by law they belonged neither to the mother's nor to the father's family and were therefore illegitimate and disreputable and had no right of inheritance.

Unemployment and familylessness

Critics of capitalism see the simultaneous increase in unemployment and familylessness as a "tendency of the capitalist economic order to abolish itself".

Demonstrative lack of family

The post-1968 generation is said to be demonstratively lacking a family, as their family inheritance was viewed as deeply suspect. ( John von Düffek )

Evangelical familylessness

According to the dispatch speech in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 10), apart from homelessness and poverty , celibacy for the sake of the kingdom of heaven also belonged to the characteristics of closer discipleship for Jesus Christ . This is reflected today in the celibate life of priests and consecrated persons .

See also



  • Schneider, Albert: Free for the world anthropological, psychological and theological aspects of freely chosen Christian marriage and family absence, 1970
  • Schlumbohm, Jürgen: Family and familylessness. Case studies from Lower Saxony and Bremen from the 15th to the 20th century, 1993, ISBN 377525885X
  • Signori, Gabirela: Provision - Inheritance - Remembering Child and familyless testators in urban society in the late Middle Ages, 2001