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Famn , which in German corresponded to the measure of thread , was a Swedish measure of length and had been specified in the Swedish order of measures and weights since 1739. It was considered a basic measure. The measure was also used as a mine and laughing measure. It corresponded to the fathom .

  • 1 Famn = 6 Fot = 1.781406 meters (1 Fot = 0.296901 meters)

The dimensional chain for Famn was:

As a measure of firewood , the meaning changed from a measure of length to measure of volume.

  • 1 famn was 6 yards high, 3 yards wide, and the billet length had between 1 ½ and 1 ¼ Ellen lie, so that there are about yielded 18 cubic yards and a volume of 3.76875 cubic meters or esters included.


  • Gustav Karsten, Friedrich Harms, Georg Daniel Eduard Weyer: Introduction to Physics. Volume 1, Leopold Voss, Leipzig 1869.

Individual evidence

  1. Jacob Heinrich Kaltschmidt : The latest and most complete foreign dictionary to explain all words and expressions borrowed from foreign languages. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1870, p. 365.
  2. ^ Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 2, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1159.
  3. ^ Ferdinand Jacob Redtenbacher , Franz Grashof : Results for mechanical engineering. Verlagbuchhandlung Friedrich Bassermann, Heidelberg 1869, p. 464.
  4. ^ Leopold Carl Bleibtreu : Handbook of coin, measure and weight and the exchange, government paper, banking and stock system of European and non-European countries and cities. Published by J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart 1863, p. 415.