Far Infrared Interferometric Telescope

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The Far Infrared Interferometric Telescope (FITE) is an interferometric reflector telescope for astronomical observations in the far infrared spectral range . In order to overcome the absorption of the atmosphere in this spectral range , the telescope is carried by a balloon at a height of over 30 km. To increase the resolution , it consists of two mirrors 20 m away with an aperture of 412 mm each, the light of which is combined interferometrically . This enables angular resolutions of up to one arc second at 100 µm wavelength.

The project is a collaboration of the University of Nagoya , the Osaka University , both of Japan, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency . The start originally planned for 2008 in Brazil has been postponed several times and should take place in 2018.

See also

Web links

  • Far-Infrared Interferometric Telescope Experiment (FITE): Toward the First Flight - Proceedings, October 2010. bibcode : 2010ASPC..430..541S

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.eso.org/sci/meetings/2015/Planets2015/Abstracts/TeranoA.txt
  2. http://stratocat.com.ar/news20180502-e.htm