Fara (Agilolfinger)

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Fara (* around 586/611; † 641 ) is considered the son of Agilolfinger Chrodoald .

Fara should have been wealthy in the area around the middle Rhine and to the right of the Rhine. His father Chrodoald fell out of favor with King Dagobert in 624 and was murdered by Berthar, a partisan of the Arnulfingers with the knowledge of the king. Fara later appeared as a friend and ally of Duke Radulf of Thuringia († 642), with whom he worked against the Franconian-Austrasian regent Ansegisel and against the young Merovingian king Sigibert III. rebelled. However, he came in the opposing campaign Sigibert III. killed himself.

The sources of his life are very thin and details are controversial; there is some speculation as to whether he also ruled as Duke of Bavaria. However, this is considered unlikely.


  1. Cf. Norbert Wagner : On the origin of the Agilolfinger. In: Journal for Bavarian State History. 41, 1978, especially p. 25 ff.
