Fauler See (Berlin-Tiergarten)

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Lazy lake
The lazy lake in the zoo
Geographical location Berlin , Germany
Tributaries Moat by the Spree
Coordinates 52 ° 30 '52 "  N , 13 ° 20' 26"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 30 '52 "  N , 13 ° 20' 26"  E
Fauler See (Berlin-Tiergarten) (Berlin)
Fauler See (Berlin-Tiergarten)

The Lazy Lake is an artificial lake in the Berlin district of Mitte .


The lake is located in the Tiergarten district , in the middle of the park of the Großer Tiergarten . It is an artificial body of water and is formed by the supply of water from the Spree . The Lazy Lake is one of a series of park waters that are partially connected by ditches.