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Faxi waterfall

Faxi waterfall

Coordinates 64 ° 13 '32.5 "  N , 20 ° 20' 18.2"  W Coordinates: 64 ° 13 '32.5 "  N , 20 ° 20' 18.2"  W.
Faxi (Iceland)
place Reykholt , Skálholt , Iceland
height 7 m
width 91 m
flow TungufljótHvítáÖlfusá

The Faxi is a waterfall in southern Iceland . It is also called Vatnsleysufoss .

This waterfall in Tungufljót is close to the biscuit bride S35 and can be reached with a short detour on the Golden Circle tour . It is 8 km from Skálholt and 12 km from Geysir and Gullfoss , with whose water mass it can by no means compete. The water falls here by 7 meters.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Vatnsleysufoss (Faxafoss, Faxi). Retrieved June 29, 2019 .
Faxifoss in Iceland