Fear 3

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Fear 3
Studio United StatesUnited States Day1 Studios
Publisher United StatesUnited States Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Senior Developer TJ Wagner, Frank Rooke
composer Jason Graves
United StatesUnited StatesJune 21, 2011 June 24, 2011
European UnionEuropean Union
platform Windows , Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3
Game engine Fracture Despair
genre Ego shooter
Game mode Single player , multiplayer
control Keyboard , mouse , gamepad
system advantages
  • Core2Duo 2.4 GHz
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 512 MB graphics card
    (from Nvidia 8800 GT)
  • DirectX 9.0c
  • Windows XP or newer
medium DVD-ROM , Blu-ray Disc , download
language German
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 18+
information German version cut.

Fear 3 ( original spelling FEAR 3 , alternative spelling : F.3.AR ) is a video game and the successor to Fear 2: Project Origin from 2009. The first person shooter was released on June 24, 2011 by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for Windows , Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 launched. The conclusion of the trilogy around the First Encounter Assault Recon (FEAR) was no longer developed by Monolith Productions , but by Day1 Studios.


The action begins eight months after the events of the predecessor. The previous antagonist Paxton Fettel frees Point Man, the player character of the first part and brother Fettels, who was arrested by the security forces of the Armacham Corporation for questioning in a Central American madhouse. The two go to the FEAR agent Jin Sun-Kwon and receive new information about Alma Wade. Together, the brothers try to uncover the full story behind Armacham's creation of Alma. The player either takes control of the Point Man or Fettel in the game.


In April 2010, Warner Bros. announced the third installment in the FEAR series. The first person shooter was no longer developed by Warner subsidiary Monolith Productions, but by Day 1 Studios, which had already worked on the console porting of FEAR . It became known that the film director John Carpenter and the comic book writer Steve Niles were involved as advisors on the project.


FEAR 3 was mostly rated favorably, but could not build on the positive ratings of the two predecessors. The specialist press praised the enemy AI and the challenging battles. The lack of manual storage function, the no longer fresh graphics, the low horror factor and the “suboptimal” coverage system were criticized. The GameStar awarded 70% and judged the conclusion: "Scary-free, but solid shooting dead." . The PC Games rated the shooter with 76% and criticized u. a. the dusty graphics and the plot. 4Players rated the Xbox, PS3 and Windows versions with 73% each. The Computer Bild Spiele rated all three versions as good , but criticized the graphics and the limited selection of weapons. The co-op mode and the enemy AI were praised . Gamona only awarded 68% and titled the third part as the worst of the series. The German online magazine Xboxdynastie.de awarded 8.5 out of 10 points for the Xbox 360 version, the Swiss website GBase.ch awarded 7.5 out of 10 points for the Windows and Xbox 360 version.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.joystiq.com/2010/04/08/fear-3-announced-john-carpenter-crafting-cinematics/
  2. http://www.gbase.ch/global/reviews/9773/4131__p1.html
  3. http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/fear-3-dt-/evaluation/45999.html
  4. http://www.pcgames.de/Fear-3-PC-234576/Tests/Fear-3-im-Test-fuer-PC-Multiplayer-Test-des-Horror-Shooters-830493/3/
  5. http://www.4players.de/4players.php/dispbericht_fazit/360/Test/Fazit_WANY/360/22128/72213/FEAR_3.html
  6. http://www.computerbild.de/produkte/Spiele-PC-FEAR-3-5209245-review.html
  7. http://www.gamona.de/games/fear-3,test-ps3:article,1951385.html