Federation Seas at Risk

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Seas At Risk (SAR) is an association of European non-governmental organizations whose common goal is to protect the marine environment of the European seas and the North Atlantic . The organization works on a European level and is committed to sustainable environmental and fisheries legislation in the EU. The association based in Brussels was formed in 1986. It was established as a foundation on February 7, 1989 and has been a Belgian non-profit organization since January 1, 2007 . A founding member is the German Action Conference North Sea eV


There are 34 member organizations from 17 countries (as of September 2016).

SAR has observer status in several intergovernmental fora. SAR also accompanies the work of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), OSPAR and the International North Sea Protection Conference (INK).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Seas At Risk: Seas At Risk member organizations , accessed September 27, 2016.