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OSPAR stands for “Oslo” and “Paris” and is an international treaty for the protection of the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic .

Forerunners and signatory states

OSPAR (or OSPARCOM) is named after its two predecessors, the Oslo Convention and the Paris Convention . OSCOM (1972) concerned the dumping , PARCOM (1974) the discharge of environmentally hazardous substances from mainland sources . After the contract was signed on September 22, 1992 in Paris , both conventions were replaced by OSPAR. The term is used for both the Treaty and the OSPAR Executive Commission. The official seat of the Secretariat is London .

Signatory states are Belgium , Germany , Denmark , Finland , France , Great Britain , Ireland , Iceland , Luxembourg , Norway , the Netherlands , Portugal , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland and the European Union . Finland, Luxembourg and Switzerland have only indirect contact with the waters concerned via the Baltic Sea , the Moselle and the Rhine .

OSPAR is responsible for everything that is discharged, sunk or otherwise brought into the North Sea or the North Atlantic . This also includes wind turbines and drilling rigs .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b OSPAR communication, October 2, 2012