Feedback (sport)
As feedback in are sports science feedback about the movement pattern called and the motion result. Feedback is a central part of the (sport) motor learning process. In addition to feedback, instructions and physical exercise are considered important for the learning process.
Feedback is movement-related information that is available during and after the movement is performed. Movement information from one's own sensory organs is usually referred to as intrinsic feedback , movement information from outside as extrinsic feedback . There are basically two types of extrinsic feedback:
- Result-related feedback (also Knowledge of Results or KR )
- Progress-related feedback (also knowledge of performance or KP )
Feedback can be given orally as well as with the help of other media (e.g. video technology , photography ).
Variables in feedback
- Setpoint and / or actual value information about the execution of the movement
- Information content (examples: right / wrong or too high, too fast)
- Frequency and distribution (examples: after every movement or less often, only as requested by the mover)
- Temporal placement (at the same time as the movement or after)
Web links
- F. Marschall, R. Daugs (2003): Feedback . In: H. Mechling, J. Munzert: Handbook movement science - movement theory . ISBN 3-7780-1911-2
- N. Olivier, U. Rockmann (2003): Fundamentals of movement science and theory . ISBN 3-7780-9111-5