Public holiday (2019)

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German title holiday
Original title Праздник
Country of production Russia
original language Russian
Publishing year 2019
length 74 minutes
Director Krasowski, Alexej Olegowitsch
production Sergei Valentinovich Astakhov
camera Sergei Valentinovich Astakhov

Jan Tsapnik, Alena Olegowna Babenko

Holiday ( Russian Праздник ) is a Russian black comedy by director Alexei Krasovsky based on his own script from 2019 .


The film is about the time of the siege of Leningrad by the German Wehrmacht and has the confusion of a New Year's celebration as its theme, which is supposed to take place in the country house of a professor who works in a secret laboratory. The professor's two teenage children bring home “friends” who are strangers and who are about to have an unexpected feast in the starving city. The two worlds subliminally despise each other. The grandmother lying on the upper floor lets her stick thunder and plays a third world with her knocking from outside.

"Everything is grotesquely exaggerated in this microbudget film."


Publication in cinema screenings was planned, followed by free publication on the Internet, as the money for the production had also been collected through crowdfunding . The film came under fire from " TV propagandists , MPs and officials" (Novaya Gazeta) and a release in cinemas seemed hopeless; it was decided to publish the film directly on YouTube . Even before the first images appeared, the film caused a scandal, including accusations of blasphemy, which can be explained by the general myth about what happened in the city of Leningrad during the siege.


The Novaya Gazeta wrote: "The parallels between the characters of the film and the current MPs are too obvious."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d “Holiday” cracked the blockade , Novaya Gazeta, January 3, 2019; Explanation of the release of the film by the director and producer before the credits
  2. Director Alexei Krasovsky was invited to interview the police , Interfax, January 20, 2019