Field hunter service

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The military police service is the main task of the military police force . To it belong the military security service , the military traffic service , the perception of security tasks , the area and property protection and surveys / investigations. The police patrol in the Military Order Service (MOD) supports the respective responsible superiors in maintaining, monitoring and restoring military order and discipline. Since the responsible superiors cannot be everywhere, the police officers are used to support them. You thus act in the sense of the overriding leadership in the area of ​​service supervision, so to speak as an extended arm of the disciplinary superior . Furthermore, the Feldjäger troop sees itself as a service provider and is also a point of contact for all soldiers who are in need or need help.

The tasks of the police patrols in the military security service are divided into four areas:

Location strip

Location strips are the most common type of strip in MOD. The military police patrol the Bundeswehr locations and surrounding cities, which are part of the barracks' area. The intention is to act preventively on the behavior of the soldiers. The presence of the police patrols is intended to prevent violations by soldiers in advance or to prevent them from occurring.

Site and military training area strips

The police patrols monitor the military and military training areas in their area. The surveillance extends to soldiers, civilian employees of the Bundeswehr and civilians. In the case of soldiers and civilian employees, compliance with the provisions on the location / military training area and the environmentally friendly behavior of the troops are monitored, with civilians checking their access authorization to the respective training area. Unauthorized entry or driving by people or vehicles is usually an administrative offense according to Section 114 of the Administrative Offenses Act (OWiG). In the event of a violation, a report and a notification of an administrative offense in accordance with Section 114 OWiG are created and sent to the Federal Office for Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services of the Federal Armed Forces via the responsible site elder. This then issues a fine against the person concerned .

Station strip

Station patrols are mainly carried out on days when the number of soldiers traveling is particularly high. These are Friday and Sunday, and earlier the days of discharge of those doing basic military service. The police officers monitor compliance with military order and discipline in the area of ​​the train stations and their surroundings. Here, too, we work together with the Federal Police and the locally responsible police stations. The behavior of soldiers traveling in uniform is particularly important. See also § 17 Soldiers Act (SG).

Pull strips

Train patrols, like train station patrols, are mainly carried out on days when the number of soldiers traveling is particularly high. The police officers monitor compliance with military order and discipline within the platoons. The behavior of soldiers on and off duty is particularly important here.


Due to the size of their operational areas (usually several thousand square kilometers) and the steadily growing workload caused by foreign missions as well as the associated personnel bottlenecks and restrictions, the military police are also dependent on good cooperation with many authorities and institutions such as the police , federal police , public order office, security services ( e.g. in discotheques) and rescue control centers. In the event of problems with soldiers, they immediately inform the field hunter service command responsible for the area , which then dispatches a police patrol. The police officers take care of For example, in the case of a police investigation, it is particularly important that the soldier's superior is informed of the facts. This is usually done by means of a police report, which is usually the reason for the superiors to initiate a disciplinary investigation ("If facts become known that justify the suspicion of an official offense, the disciplinary superior must clarify the matter through the necessary investigations." - § 32 Paragraph 1 Defense Disciplinary Code ). Furthermore, the police officers are to assist the soldier against whom the police are investigating.