Federal Police (Germany)
Federal Police |
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State level | Federation |
position | Federal Police |
Business area | Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs |
founding | March 16, 1951 as Federal Border Guard , since July 1, 2005 Federal Police |
Headquarters | Potsdam |
president | Dieter Romann |
Servants | 48,686 (October 1, 2019) |
Budget volume | 3.935 billion euros (as of 2020) |
Web presence | www.bundespolizei.de |
The Federal Police ( BPOL ) is in Germany, a police of the Federal (next to the Federal Criminal Police and the police at the German Parliament ) in the division of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for construction and home (BMI), which in federal administration is run. The legal basis is the Federal Police Act ( BPolG ). The Federal Police performs many special police tasks: It is responsible for border protection , tasks of the railway police and in the area of aviation security as well as the protection of federal bodies. It also provides the federal riot police. On July 1, 2005, the Federal Border Guard was renamed the Federal Police.
1952 joined Gustav Heinemann (later President ) because of the plans for rearming West Germany from the CDU and founded with Helene Wessel , Margaret Schneider, Erhard Eppler , Robert Scholl , diether posser and other first the Emergency Association for the peace of Europe , from the then the All-German People's Party came into being.
It held some positions of the first party program of the CDU, the Ahlen program further and sought a waiver of the Federal Republic to a defense force and strict neutrality between the NATO and the Eastern bloc to reduce the chance for reunification to be kept open and the tradition of German militarism to break up. Instead Heinemann affirmed the establishment of a federal police force of equal strength as the then built up people's police of the GDR . At that time the term was Federal Police so for paramilitary organizations (similar to 2005 existing federal police in Austria).
In the Federal Border Guard Act of 1972, the BGS was designated as a federal police force . As part of the Schengen Agreement and with German reunification in 1990, the range of operations of the BGS changed fundamentally, border police tasks fell sharply, and railway police and airport security tasks were added. In 1994 the revised Federal Border Guard Act came into force, with which members of the BGS also lost their combatant status.
In 1998 there was a norm control procedure with regard to whether the BGS was allowed to take over the tasks of railway police and airport security in 1990, which was finally confirmed. In their decision, the judges used the terms special police , police with limited tasks and finally federal police to describe the tasks of the BGS . The so-called police letter of the Western Allied military governors of April 14, 1949, in which the occupying powers allowed the federal government to set up certain federal police authorities, is also essential in this decision . The judgment also made it clear that the assumption of special police tasks does not violate Article 30 of the Basic Law (“The exercise of state powers and the fulfillment of state tasks is a matter for the federal states, unless this Basic Law makes or permits any other regulation”) .
In 2005 the Red-Green coalition under Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Interior Minister Otto Schily sought the final renaming. This led to an intensive political discussion, especially between the states and the federal government. The reason was, on the one hand, the concern of the federal states that the federal government was trying to take over state police powers, which the latter denied, and on the other hand, certainly also a different interpretation of the police concept . There was also intense discussion within the police.
Ultimately, the Bundestag voted in favor of the Federal Government's proposal, and the Federal Border Guard was renamed the Federal Police on July 1, 2005 . This was not associated with an expansion of tasks; it was merely replaced by the Federal Police in all laws in which the word Federal Border Guard was used . The Federal Council decided not to appeal to the mediation committee .
The commission appointed by Federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière in the spring of 2010 to evaluate the federal security authorities (Federal Police, Federal Criminal Police Office and Federal Customs Administration ), under the leadership of the former President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Eckart Werthebach , recommended in its report at the beginning of December 2010 that the Federal Police and Federal Criminal Police Office to form a federal police force under the name of the Federal Police (new). The federal customs administration should be left out. De Maizière described the Commission's proposal as convincing, worth considering and worth pursuing. BKA President Jörg Ziercke and the interior ministers of the federal states did not agree with this plan. A merger until 2013 was planned. However, Federal Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, who was appointed Federal Interior Minister on March 3, 2011, decided that there would be no merger between the Federal Police and the Federal Criminal Police Office. Only a better cooperation in telecommunications surveillance and training is being considered.
The tasks of the Federal Police are regulated in the Federal Police Act (BPolG). It is based on the July 1, 2005 by Art. 1 of the Act on renaming the Federal Police in Federal renamed Federal Law .
The tasks are limited due to federalism and the police sovereignty of the states and are listed in Section 1 of the Federal Police Act:
- Securing own institutions, authorities and associations
- Protection of private rights when judicial protection is not guaranteed
- Border police protection of the federal territory (border protection): police monitoring of borders, police control of cross-border traffic including checking of border crossing papers and authorization to cross the border as well as border searches; the defense against dangers that impair the security of the borders in the border area up to a depth of 30 km and from the seaward limit to a depth of 50 km
- Duties of the railway police
- Protection against attacks on aviation security
- Maintaining or restoring security or order on board German aircraft ( flight safety attendant )
- Protection of federal constitutional organs and federal ministries
- Tasks at sea
- police duties in emergencies and defense
- Participation in police tasks abroad under the responsibility of the United Nations (UN), the European Union or other international organizations
- Support of the police enforcement service at the German Bundestag
- Support of the Federal Foreign Office to protect German diplomatic and consular missions abroad
- Support of the Federal Criminal Police Office in protection and escort service (personal protection)
- Support of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in the field of radio technology ( § 10 BPolG)
- Support for the police in the federal states
- Assistance in the event of disasters and special accidents, including air rescue services
- Prosecution of criminal offenses and administrative offenses related to tasks ( § 12 BGSG)
In addition, the Federal Police is involved in the approval process for security companies on seagoing vessels. Since July 1, 2015, the Federal Police has also been protecting the headquarters of the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt ( Section 5 BPolG).
An important field of activity of the Federal Police is the fight against organized or supra-local crime, especially in human smuggling (violations of § 96 , § 97 AufenthG ) by the Federal Police Inspections to Combat Crime (BPOLI KB) . These departments consist of a command group, forensic service, reconnaissance and search forces PMK , investigation service and a mobile search unit . The mobile search unit is little known to the public. Most of the nine different MFEs that exist nationwide operate very individually. Some resemble the Mobile Task Force ( MEK ) of the police forces of the federal states and are generally responsible for arrests themselves, others only work openly in absolute exceptional cases and leave the actual arrests to uniformed police officers (for example the evidence preservation and arrest units ) in order to camouflage themselves during publicly visible operations not to endanger.
Another field of activity are measures for the arrival and departure of football fans traveling by rail in connection with football events when performing the task of rail police. After the league reform of the DFB, the 3rd football league was added as a further national division at the beginning of the 2008/2009 season . To curb violence at sporting events (especially football events), the Federal Police developed a strategy that has been in use since the 2009/2010 season. It is based on the framework instructions for police management of the situation on the occasion of football travel , which has been in force with the Federal Police since September 2008.
Since October 2019, the Federal Police has been collecting fees for charges in accordance with the BPolG and VwVG on the basis of the BMI's Special Fees Ordinance. The fee rates were determined by the Federal Statistical Office.
In the financial year 2019 41.091 are for the federal police posts for officials and 5756.5 points for salaried employees reported. Of the posts for civil servants, 772 are assigned to the higher service (1.9 percent), 17,191 to the upper service (41.8 percent), 22,100 to the intermediate service (53.8 percent) and one to the simple service . There are also 27 permanent positions for university professors. On July 1, 2018, the occupation rate for civil servant posts was 79.3 percent. As of October 1, 2019, the Federal Police had 40,612 law enforcement officers (including 7,528 candidates ), 1,934 administrative officers, 5,843 employees and 297 trainees in administration.
The Federal Police is divided into the Federal Police Headquarters at its head and, directly subordinate to this, the Federal Police Academy and eleven Federal Police Directorates.
Federal Police Headquarters
The Federal Police Headquarters (BPOLP) is a higher federal authority with its seat in Potsdam and other locations, which is directly subordinate to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs. It exercises the service and technical supervision of the rest of the Federal Police and is also responsible for strategic police control. It is headed by the President of the Federal Police Headquarters Dieter Romann , his Vice-President Jürgen Schubert and his Vice-President Ulrike Meuser. It is divided into eight departments and has 4,300 employees, 800 of them in Potsdam.
Federal Police Academy
The Federal Police Academy (BPOLAK) in Lübeck is the central training and further education facility for the middle, upper and higher police enforcement service in the Federal Police, as well as for further specialist training. It is considered the cradle of the Federal Police, since after the establishment of the then Federal Border Police on March 16, 1951, the first officers moved into the accommodation as so-called support staff. In addition to the main location in Lübeck-St.-Hubertus (Dr. Robert Lehr property), other areas of the Federal Police Academy are located in the Falkenfeld property (Schwartauer Landstrasse).
The higher police enforcement service of the BPOL studies from the second master's degree together with the higher criminal service of the BKA at the German Police University (DHPOL).
The following are subordinate to the Federal Police Academy:
- Training centers (BPOLAFZ): Neustrelitz (NZ), Walsrode (WAL), Oerlenbach (OEB), Swisttal (SWT), Diez (DIZ), Eschwege (ESW) and Bamberg (BA)
- Service dog schools in Neuendettelsau and Bleckede
- the Federal Police Sports School Bad Endorf (BPOLSPSCH END) for winter sports and the Federal Police Sports School Kienbaum (BPOLSPSCH KBM) for summer sports (until September 2011 in Cottbus)
- the Federal Police Training Center Kührointhaus (BPOLTZK)
- Federal University for Public Administration , Department of Federal Police (HS Bund, FBOL)
Federal Police Directorates
The federal police headquarters are federal police Berlin , Pirna , Munich , Stuttgart , Frankfurt airport , Koblenz , Sankt Augustin , Bad Bramstedt and Hanover as well as the Directorate of federal riot police and Federal Police Department 11 downstream.
With the exception of the Federal Riot Police and Directorate 11, several Federal Police Inspections (BPOLI) are subordinate to the Federal Police Directorates . Federal police stations (BPOLR) can in turn be subordinate to these . Each Federal Police Directorate is also associated with a Mobile Control and Monitoring Unit (MKÜ) and a Federal Police Inspection for Combating Crime (BPOLI KB).
The area of responsibility of the Federal Police Directorate Berlin , based in Berlin, extends to the states of Berlin and Brandenburg .
Twelve federal police inspections are subordinate to it, including the Federal Police Inspectorate, which was established in 2002 and which also includes the Federal Police's cavalry unit .
The Berlin Federal Police Directorate is of particular importance because it is responsible for protecting federal bodies such as the Office of the Federal President , the Federal Chancellery , the Foreign Office , the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Federal Ministry of the Interior .
The area of responsibility of the Pirna Federal Police Department extends to the states of Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia . Subordinate to it are ten federal police inspections, one each in the states of Thuringia (Erfurt) and Saxony-Anhalt (Magdeburg). Seven inspections are located in Saxony: Leipzig , Klingenthal , Chemnitz , Berggießhübel (formerly Altenberg ), Dresden , Ebersbach and Ludwigsdorf (near Görlitz ). The headquarters of the Federal Police Department for Combating Crime is in Halle (Saale) , the branch in Dresden. The border police remit extends to 139 km border length to Poland and 453 km border length to the Czech Republic and on the stationary border controls at airports and airfields . Aviation security tasks are also performed at the Erfurt-Weimar , Leipzig / Halle and Dresden airports .
Your area of responsibility for railway police (only railway facilities of the federal government or DB Station & Service AG and rail vehicles of Deutsche Bahn AG ) extends to 7,800 rail kilometers and 1,365 stations or stops of Deutsche Bahn AG.
In addition, BPOLD Pirna has six MKÜ emergency service trains that are distributed in the management area to the locations Leipzig (2 trains), Chemnitz (2 trains), Dresden and Löbau. These are mainly used to cope with major police situations (football and demonstration missions), but also to support the individual service units.
The area of responsibility of the Federal Police Headquarters in Munich extends to the state of Bavaria .
There are ten inspections in the area of responsibility with a total of 21 subordinate areas. Three inspections are located in the state capital: the Federal Police Inspection Munich based at the main train station , the Federal Police Inspection for the Airport and the Federal Police Inspection for Combating Crime. The other inspection locations are Nuremberg and Würzburg as well as along the German-Czech and German-Austrian border Selb , Waidhaus , Waldmünchen , Passau and Rosenheim ; and since November 1, 2017 Freilassing and Kempten .
The directorate is responsible for border police for around 360 kilometers of border with the Czech Republic and 815 kilometers with Austria. The railway police responsibility of the Munich Federal Police Department extends to more than 1,100 train stations and stops as well as over 6,200 kilometers of railways in the Free State of Bavaria. With more than 1,820 kilometers of rail to be looked after, including the high-speed line Nuremberg – Ingolstadt , the Federal Police Inspection Nuremberg, which also includes the federal police stations in Augsburg , Ansbach and Ingolstadt , is the federal police inspection with the largest railway police area of responsibility in Bavaria.
Border and railway police responsible from Berchtesgadener Land to the Lake Constance region are:
- the federal police station Freilassing with the federal police station in Mühldorf am Inn
- the Federal Police Inspection Rosenheim with the federal police station in Mittenwald
- the Federal Police Inspection Kempten with the federal police stations in Lindau and Weilheim .
The area of responsibility of the Stuttgart Federal Police Directorate with its seat in Böblingen (in the former Wildermuth barracks ) extends to the state of Baden-Württemberg . In addition to the federal police stations in Stuttgart, Konstanz , Weil am Rhein , Offenburg and Karlsruhe , the federal police station at Stuttgart Airport and a federal police station for combating crime based in Böblingen belong to the federal police headquarters in Stuttgart. These departments are supported by a mobile control and monitoring unit (MCU) . This unit is also run from Böblingen and consists of four MKÜ trains based in Stuttgart, Konstanz, Freiburg and Kehl. While the Federal Police Inspections in Konstanz, Weil am Rhein and Offenburg mainly carry out border police tasks in the 30 km area behind the German-Swiss or German-French border, the Federal Police in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe are mainly involved in the railway police. The Federal Police Inspection in Karlsruhe also guarantees the protection of the Federal Constitutional Court . The Stuttgart Federal Police Directorate is linked to the Baden-Württemberg State Police and the Federal Customs Administration in a security cooperation for Baden-Württemberg (SiKo) . Other important cooperation partners are the Swiss Border Guard (GWK) , the canton police of the Swiss cantons bordering the Federal Republic of Germany, the Police aux Frontières (PAF) , the Gendarmerie Nationale (GN) and Deutsche Bahn AG , with which the Federal Police have a regulatory partnership (OPA ) is connected.
airport Frankfurt
The area of responsibility of the Federal Police Directorate Frankfurt / Main Airport extends to Frankfurt am Main Airport . There are currently six subordinate inspections to the directorate; Due to the further expansion of the airport, the number of inspections is likely to increase further. Until the newly created Federal Police Directorate 11 took over the task on August 1, 2017, the Federal Police Directorate at Frankfurt Airport was responsible for performing tasks in accordance with Section 4a BPolG ( flight safety attendants ) throughout Germany .
The area of responsibility of the Federal Police Directorate Koblenz extends to the states of Rhineland-Palatinate , Hesse (with the exception of Frankfurt Airport) and Saarland .
You are the Federal Police Inspections Kassel (districts Fulda and Gießen ), Frankfurt am Main (districts Wiesbaden , Darmstadt , Limburg and Hanau ), Trier (districts Koblenz , Hahn and Prüm airport ), Kaiserslautern (districts Mainz , Bad Kreuznach , Bienwald and Neustadt an der Weinstrasse ), Bexbach ( Saarbrücken Goldene-Bremm districts, Saarbrücken airport , Saarbrücken main station and Perl ), Federal Police Inspection Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, Federal Police Inspection for Combating Crime in Frankfurt with a branch in Bexbach and a mobile control and monitoring unit (MKÜ) at the Koblenz offices, Bexbach and Rüsselsheim are subordinate.
Saint Augustine

The area of responsibility of the Sankt Augustin Federal Police Department extends to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia .
The following departments are subordinate to it to fulfill its statutory tasks:
- nine federal police inspections and 20 districts (in brackets) based in: Kleve ( Kempen ), Münster ( Bielefeld , Paderborn and Hamm ), Dortmund ( Hagen , Essen , Gelsenkirchen , Bochum , Recklinghausen and FH Dortmund), Düsseldorf ( Wuppertal , Mönchengladbach , Duisburg and Oberhausen ), Cologne ( Bonn , Villa Hammerschmidt , Siegburg and victories ), Aachen (Aachen North in Eschweiler ), Dusseldorf airport , Cologne / Bonn airport
- a Federal Police Inspectorate for Combating Crime with headquarters in Cologne and a branch in Kleve
- a mobile control and monitoring unit (MKÜ) based in Cologne and branch offices in Goch and Essen
In addition, the Sankt Augustin location is also the seat of the anti-terrorist unit GSG 9 of the Federal Police (GSG 9 BPOL), formerly Border Guard Group 9 , the Federal Police Fliegergruppe Sankt Augustin and the Federal Police Department Sankt Augustin. However, these are not subordinate to the Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin itself, but assigned to other departments: the GSG 9 and the Air Force Group of the Federal Police Directorate 11, the Federal Police Department of the Federal Police Directorate.
Unit 66 - Media and other units are also located in Sankt Augustin-Hangelar.
A precinct in Bonn that is subordinate to the Federal Police Inspectorate in Cologne is responsible for protecting the Villa Hammerschmidt , the second official residence of the Federal President , and the Palais Schaumburg , the Bonn official residence of the Federal Chancellor.
In the course of the renovation of existing facilities and a comprehensive expansion of the properties on the site in Hangelar, the federal government will invest several hundred million euros by 2045. In addition to the 3,500 employees at the Federal Police Directorate in Sankt Augustin (as of January 2019), another 350 are to be added in 2019.
Bad Bramstedt
The area of responsibility of the Federal Police Directorate Bad Bramstedt , based in Bad Bramstedt, extends to the states of Schleswig-Holstein , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the North and Baltic Seas. The federal police stations in Flensburg , Kiel , Rostock , Stralsund , Pasewalk and the fight against crime (in Rostock) are assigned to it. The division of the Federal Police See , based in Neustadt (Holstein), and the three Federal Police Inspections See in Neustadt, Warnemünde and Cuxhaven have been outsourced . The Maritime Education and Training Center (MaST) is also located at the Neustadt location .
Since January 1, 2007, the Federal Police has been represented by the Bad Bramstedt Federal Police Directorate in the Joint Situation Center See (GLZ-See) of the Maritime Security Center (MSZ) in Cuxhaven.
As an organizational measure for the effective participation of the Federal Police in peacekeeping operations within the framework of missions of the United Nations or the European Union, a deployment hundred was established.
Two sea vessels and eight crews are stationed at the locations of the Federal Police Sea Directorate, who monitor the sea area around the clock. In addition, police helicopters are used, which are stationed at the Fuhlendorf location and assigned to the Federal Police Flight Service of Federal Police Directorate 11.
The area of responsibility of the Hanover Federal Police Department extends to the states of Lower Saxony , Bremen and Hamburg with a total area of around 48,800 km² and a population of over 10.4 million people. The Hanover Federal Police Directorate has a total of 2,400 employees.
The Federal Police Inspections Hamburg , Hamburg Airport , Bremen , Hanover , Hanover-Langenhagen Airport , Bad Bentheim , as well as the Federal Police Inspection for Combating Crime in Hamburg and the Mobile Control and Monitoring Unit based in Hamburg and Hanover are subordinate to it to fulfill its tasks .
The rail police responsibility of the Hanover Federal Police Department extends to more than 560 train stations and stops as well as over 4,900 kilometers of railways.
The statutory tasks also include controls at the seaports in Lower Saxony and Bremen as well as border protection at the Schengen internal border with the Netherlands.
Directorate of the Federal Riot Police
The Federal Riot Police Directorate (BPOLD BP) , based in Fuldatal / Vellmar (Hessen) at the so-called “Dr.-Konrad-Adenauer” federal police station, is responsible for the federal riot police associations (Federal Riot Police ) and is directly subordinate to the Federal Police Headquarters.
The management has the task of managing, coordinating and supporting the ten federal police departments (BPOLABT) of the federal riot police and ensuring that the units are evenly utilized. Including its subordinate area, the authority has around 6,200 employees, including 5,100 police officers. This makes it the federal police directorate with the greatest number of staff.
Federal Police Departments
The ten federal police departments are:
- Federal Police Department Ratzeburg (BPOLABT RZ)
- Federal Police Department Uelzen (BPOLABT UE)
- Federal Police Department Duderstadt (BPOLABT DUD)
- Federal Police Department Sankt Augustin (BPOLABT STA)
- Federal Police Department Hünfeld (BPOLABT HÜN)
- Federal Police Department Bad Bergzabern (BPOLABT BBZ), founded in 1987 as a border protection department in Speyer, here since 1993
- Federal Police Department Deggendorf (BPOLABT DEG)
- Federal Police Department Bayreuth (BPOLABT BT)
- Federal Police Department Bad Düben (BPOLABT BDÜ)
- Federal Police Department Blumberg (BPOLABT BLU)
Each federal police department is subordinate to a department leader. He is supported in the performance of his tasks by a department staff with the staff areas Operations, Police Technology and Supply, Central Services and Operations Support / Location Service as well as the Police Medical Service. The mobile units, which constitute the operational level of the federal police departments, are essentially the insert Hundreds (EHu) , the Beweissicherungs- and arrest Hundreds (BFHu) , the technical use of hundreds, which Beweissicherungs- and documentation units , the reconnaissance units and other support units.
Duties of the federal riot police
The tasks of the federal riot police include in particular:
- Reinforcement on special occasions with priority missions of closed units in the areas of responsibility of the Federal Police,
- Supporting the police forces of the federal states in carrying out their tasks in cases of particular importance, insofar as security interests of the federal government are also affected and the emergency services are not primarily required for federal police tasks,
- Support of the Federal Criminal Police Office and other neighboring authorities on special occasions (e.g. personal and room protection, barrier measures, searches),
- Coping with special danger situations,
- Participation in police or other non-military tasks within the framework of international measures at the request and under the responsibility of the United Nations or the European Union,
- Use for humanitarian purposes or to protect the urgent interests of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad in agreement with the state concerned.
Federal Police Directorate 11
With effect from August 1, 2017, the Federal Ministry of the Interior set up Federal Police Directorate 11 (abbreviation: BPOLD 11) with its administrative headquarters in the building of the former Berlin Railway Directorate . The emergency services themselves are stationed in Spandau . The Federal Police Directorate 11 bundles the special units of the Federal Police under a central management and operational structure. The following special forces are subordinate to the Federal Police Directorate 11:
- GSG 9 of the Federal Police (GSG 9 BPOL)
- Federal Police Air Service (BPOLFLG)
- Police protection tasks abroad of the Federal Police (PSA BPOL)
- Special air traffic protection tasks of the Federal Police (BSL BPOL)
- Mission and investigation support of the Federal Police (EEU BPOL)
In addition, the specialist responsibility for the disarming services of the Federal Police was transferred to Federal Police Directorate 11.
The first president of the new authority is the former head of GSG 9, Olaf Lindner.
GSG 9 of the Federal Police
The GSG 9 of the Federal Police (GSG 9 BPOL) with headquarters in Sankt Augustin near Bonn was founded in 1972 as a reaction to the hostage-taking during the Olympic Summer Games in Munich under the name Grenzschutzgruppe 9 and has been the special unit of the Federal Police (or until 2005: des Federal Border Guard ) to combat serious and violent crime as well as terrorism . The number of staff at GSG 9 is estimated at around 400 officials.
Federal Police Air Service
The Federal Police Flight Service (BPOLFLD) goes back to the helicopter standby (HFlB) of the Federal Border Guard founded on May 7, 1955 at the Bonn / Hangelar airfield and today comprises the Federal Police Fliegergruppe (BPOLFLG) in Sankt Augustin , the Federal Police Fliegerstaffeln in Fuhlendorf (BPOLFLS FUD), Blumberg (BPOLFLS BLU), Fuldatal (BPOLFLS FDT) and Oberschleißheim (BPOLFLS OBS) as well as the Aviation School for the Police Service (LFSfdPD) with a fleet of 87 police helicopters of the type EC 120 , EC 135 T2i , EC 155 B and AS 332 L1 Super Puma .
The Federal Police's helicopters are used, among other things:
- for monitoring the borders from the air,
- for the transport of police forces during large-scale operations and operations by special units of the federal police,
- to support the Federal Criminal Police Office,
- for the transport of security-endangered persons of the political and parliamentary area of the federal government,
- for the transport of state guests of the federal government,
- for help in serious accidents and disasters at home and abroad as well
- for the air rescue service (through the use of a total of 12 civil defense helicopters from the air rescue service of the Federal Ministry of the Interior in the civil rescue service).
To a certain extent, the squadron in Fuhlendorf occupies a special position within the Federal Police Air Service . Their primary task is to monitor the sea areas in the North and Baltic Seas . This includes border police tasks at sea (the sea also represents an external border) as well as general police tasks such as environmental protection, shipping police and fisheries protection. More than two thousand hours of flight time are flown over the sea every year.
The squadron is also involved in the accident command of the federal government and the five German coastal states and also supports the SAR service at sea. Other tasks arise in cooperation with the European Agency for Operational Cooperation at the External Borders (Frontex) . Under the name of Seepferdchen-Flieger , the helicopters are also used outside German airspace as part of joint operations by various EU countries. Frontex will then take over the coordination, and the operations will serve to combat illegal migration into the territory of the European Union by sea. In other cases, patrols are flown over the mainland in order to track down theft of non-ferrous metal on the railway , as well as patrol flights over sea in order to be able to determine environmental pollution and to determine its cause.
The Fuhlendorf squadron includes 21 helicopters of different types, including EC 155 helicopters . The airport identifier is EDHX.
Police protection tasks abroad of the Federal Police
The Police Protection Tasks Abroad of the Federal Police (PSA BPOL; formerly Personal Protection Abroad ) comprises special forces who have the task of protecting the German diplomatic missions , the German ambassador and other protection personnel in crisis areas. The capability area was spun off from GSG 9 in April 2008, which had performed this task up to this point.
Special air traffic protection tasks of the Federal Police
The area Special protective duties air transport of the federal police took over the establishment of the Federal Police Department 11 to Aug. 1, 2017 nationwide tasks by § 4 of the Federal Police Act (Federal Police Act) of the Federal Police Department Frankfurt am Main Airport . According to this, the Federal Police has the task of ensuring the safety and order on board of aircraft by providing flight safety attendants. These flight security attendants are gun-carrying, non-uniformed officers who accompany passenger flights and are primarily intended to prevent aircraft hijackings and terrorism on board aircraft.
Mission and investigation support for the Federal Police
The Federal Police Directorate 11 also provides operational and investigative support for the Federal Police.
The Federal Police mainly trains middle and senior law enforcement officers, direct training for the higher service takes place irregularly and is only available to university graduates from certain courses, primarily in law .
Training for the middle police force
The training for the mPVD is divided into two sections of twelve months and six months each, so the total duration is two and a half years. The first section is the basic training, in which the basis for the police profession is created. The second part of the training builds on the basic knowledge, plus 20 weeks of internship at various police stations. These internships are held in the four main areas of responsibility of the Federal Police. They are divided into a five-week internship in the aviation security area, the border police area as well as an association and a railway police station. The third part of the training is the career course, which ends with the career test and the appointment as police chief .
Studies for the high-level police enforcement service
The modular study in dual form for the gPVD lasts three years. This alternates between imparting theoretical knowledge as part of a degree at a university of applied sciences and internships lasting several weeks. In the basic internship, the general police training is completed. In the basic course, which is completed at the Federal University of Applied Sciences in Brühl near Cologne, basic knowledge in the areas of business administration and economics, public finance (budgeting, budget planning, etc.), psychology (organizational psychology), civil law and state and constitutional law. The basic course ends with an intermediate examination. During the main course, a diploma thesis must be written to achieve the academic degree of a Diplom-Verwaltungswirtin (FH) or a Diplom-Verwaltungswirt (FH). The thesis has a blocking effect, so it must be graded at least with the grade "sufficient". It is also a compulsory subject of the career test. A voluntary waiver of the diploma is not possible compared to the career training in the higher service of some state police (e.g. in Saxony). The course ends with the written and oral career test and the appointment as police superintendent . Basically, it is possible to move up from the middle to the higher service. Senior civil servants can move up to the higher service via various special forms.
Federal Police Academy and Federal University for Public Administration
On the premises of the Dr. Robert Lehr (named after the second Federal Minister of the Interior, during whose term of office the Federal Border Guard was founded) in Lübeck is located next to the Federal Police Academy (BPOLAK) and the Federal Police Department of the Federal University (HS BUND FB BPOL). Organizationally, the Federal Police Department was attached to the Federal Police Academy by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, but not incorporated. In doing so, the Federal Ministry of the Interior emphasized the academic and, in some cases, organizational independence of the department, which is necessary under university law. The lecturers working there are therefore not members of the Federal Police Academy, but of the federal university. There is only a personal union between the department and the Federal Police Academy at the top, because the President of the Federal Police Academy is at the same time head of the Federal Police Department of the HS Bund. Here, on the one hand, the study sections for the study in the senior police service are completed (whose basic studies take place at the central department of the HS Bund in Brühl). On the other hand, the Federal Police Department of the HS Bund takes on the study sections of the first year of study for candidates for the higher service; the further training and the main study sections are then completed at the German Police University in Münster-Hiltrup. The last courses of study are currently running with a degree (academic degree) as a Diplom-Verwaltungswirt (FH) . In the future, Bachelor and Master courses will be offered.
Education and training center of the Federal Police
The training and further education centers (BPOLAFZ) are responsible for the training of the middle-class and advanced training. The seven BPOLAFZ are affiliated with the Lübeck Federal Police Academy and are located in Neustrelitz, Walsrode, Swisttal, Oerlenbach, Eschwege, Bamberg and Diez. On September 1, 2021, two more training centers will be added in Bielefeld and Rothenburg .
Official titles
The official titles of the German police are largely aligned today.
At the end of 2005, the federal police introduced a blue police uniform . It replaced the previously moss green and beige uniform. The changeover ran successively. By the end of 2012, all officers should be dressed in the new uniform. Until then, both uniforms could be seen. Officials who have been deployed abroad can be recognized by the German flag on their uniform.
In 2010 the P30 was introduced as the federal police's standard handgun . 29,500 pieces were procured (as of 2011). It replaced the P6 . In addition to the P30, the MP5 is also used in various versions.
The Federal Police has over 6,500 vehicles, including 5,500 emergency vehicles and 1,000 special vehicles and motorcycles. The company vehicles used are predominantly BMW , Opel , Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen vehicles . Occasionally, vehicles from other manufacturers such as Ford , Mitsubishi , Nissan , Land Rover and Volvo are also used. Patrol vehicles are BMW 5 Series touring, VW Transporter , VW Golf / Passat Variant, Mercedes-Benz Vito , Mercedes-Benz B-Class , Opel Zafira Tourer, VW Touareg, Land Rover Discovery, Nissan Navara and Mitsubishi Outlander . Ford Transit and Mercedes-Benz Sprinter are used as semi-group vehicles in the service hundreds . Several vehicles with alternative drives such as the Opel Ampera , VW e-Golf , Volvo V60 and Nissan Leaf are also used at airports and in property protection .
Ten Mowag Eagle IV, seven delivered (and a further 21 ordered) Protected Emergency Vehicles 2 (GEF2) and also the Special Car 4 are used as protected special vehicles (as of 2018). The special car 4 is gradually being replaced by other protected vehicles; the newcomers are no longer referred to as special vehicles by the federal police.
The vehicles of the Federal Police carry the license plate number BP , which was previously assigned to the Deutsche Bundespost . Before the renaming of the Federal Border Police to the Federal Police in 2005, the distinguishing BGmark was used.
The labels are all structured according to the system BP XX-YYYor BG XX-YYY. Here is YYYany one to three-digit number. The two-digit number XXstands for the specific vehicle type:
- 10 to 12: motorcycles
- 15 to 19: passenger cars
- 20 to 24: All-terrain passenger vehicles
- 25 to 29: passenger cars
- 30 to 39: Medium-sized off-road cars and trucks
- 40 to 49: Vehicles on a truck chassis and buses
- 50 to 54: protected special wagons
- 55 to 56: trailers
Radio patrol car: Land Rover Discovery and Volkswagen T5
Radio patrol car: VW Touareg
Federal Police Segway
Remote control manipulator of the Federal Police
The Federal Police uses different helicopter types from the manufacturer Eurocopter . Six EC 120s are used as training helicopters at the Federal Police's aviation school. The twin-engine EC 135 T2i is a light transport helicopter ( LTH ) that is used as a liaison and observation helicopter as well as in flight operations for the 18 civil defense helicopters of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The larger models EC 155 B and AS 332 L1 Super Puma are medium-sized transport helicopters ( MTH ), which are mainly used to transport police officers to locations. In addition, you will also promote persons from the parliamentary and protocol areas.
Eurocopter EC 135 in new blue livery
Eurocopter EC 155 B in the old green paint scheme
Task ships
For the performance of tasks in the territorial sea and high seas , the fleet currently consists of six rescue vessels; they are formally registered in Neustadt in Holstein, the seat of the Federal Police Sea division. The port of registration does not necessarily correspond to the usual port of departure for the ships. The crew consists of 14 officers each.
Identifier | Surname | Callsign | Type | Commissioning | Base |
BP 24 | Bad Bramstedt | DBGX | Bad Bramstedt class | 2002 | Neustadt in Holstein |
BP 25 | Bayreuth | DBGY | Bad Bramstedt class | 2003 | Neustadt in Holstein |
BP 26 | Eschwege | DBGZ | Bad Bramstedt class | 2003 | Rostock |
BP 81 | Potsdam | DBBM | Potsdam class | 2019 | Cuxhaven |
BP 82 | Bamberg | DBBO | Potsdam class | 2019 | Rostock |
BP 83 | Bad Düben | DBBP | Potsdam class | 2019 | Cuxhaven |
Patrol boats
The patrol boats Altmark , Börde , Prignitz , Rhön 2 and Uckermark are mainly used in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea .
Since March 1, 2016, the Federal Police See has been monitoring the Greek-Turkish maritime border in the Aegean near Samos with the boats Uckermark and Börde as part of a Frontex operation . In the first two years of their mission, they rescued over 3,400 people from distress and arrested 27 people smugglers.
Identifier | Surname | Callsign | Type | Commissioning | Base |
BP 61 | Prignitz | DBGQ | Control and patrol boat | 2006 | Rostock |
BP 62 | Uckermark | DBGR | Control and patrol boat | 2007 | Rostock |
BP 63 | Altmark | DBGS | Control and patrol boat | 2007 | Cuxhaven |
BP 64 | Börde | DBGT | Control and patrol boat | 2007 | Lubmin |
BP 65 | Rhön 2 | DBGU | Control and patrol boat | 2008 | Cuxhaven |
Service dogs and horses
The Federal Police has 491 protective and explosive detection dogs, which are used at airports and train stations, among other places. In addition, 24 horses are used in the equestrian relay.
As part of their youth campaign “With security diverse” , the Federal Police is using an advertising concept that is intended to inspire potential applicants to join the Federal Police with a description of the areas of federal police activity. As an information platform , the Federal Police maintains the career website “ www.komm-zur-bundespolizei.de ”, which provides information on the areas of activity and careers in the Federal Police and information material about the selection process for applicants. The online application process was implemented on the website in May 2018. In the blog on the career website, experience reports on selection processes, training and service are published, as well as dates for recruitment advice and the application process.
The Federal Police uses the social networks Instagram and Facebook . The tasks of the Federal Police as well as topics such as application procedures, training and everyday work are dealt with in the Youtube series “Im Einsatz mit ...” on the Youtube channel “ Bundespolizei Karriere ” and in the podcast “ Funkdislinien ”. Events such as “Fit like a federal police officer” or “Coffee with a Cop” also serve to attract young people.
Employee magazine
The Federal Police Headquarters publishes the Federal Police compact staff magazine, which appears every two months and is also accessible online in PDF file format . The magazine was published in its 46th year in 2019. The editorial office is in Potsdam.
The deportation practice of the Federal Police has been criticized by some human rights and refugee groups such as Pro Asyl for years. In 1999, the death of Aamir Ageeb hit the headlines. He died while being deported on board a Lufthansa aircraft.
In 2013, the federal police received the Big Brother Award "discriminatory and racist identity checks and body searches in the course of out random identity checks ". Critics accuse the federal police that officials behaved structurally racist . From 2009 to 2013, the Federal Police Directorate listed 57 cases in which those affected or witnesses complained that people had been discriminated against by federal police officers because of their foreign origin or the color of their skin. This often happens during controls on trains or at train stations. The Federal Government explained its position on the "problem of racial profiling and random checks by the Federal Police in 2015" in April 2016 in the German Bundestag.
In 2015, the public prosecutor's office investigated a federal police officer from the Hanover office for two cases of attacks on detained foreigners in the custody cell . The policeman was suspended from duty. In April 2016, the public prosecutor closed the case. The extensive investigation did not reveal any structural problems at the station. The public prosecutor's office charged the officer with other offenses. Activists from the human rights organization Pro Asyl saw the two cases as evidence of institutional racism in the federal police. The cause is the military structure and spirit of the federal police force, which prevented a systematic internal investigation of the allegations. Since 2015 there has been a partially independent institution in the Federal Police that prosecutes misconduct outside the hierarchy of orders.
According to a newspaper report from 2011 Federal police reportedly on behalf of EADS , the official Saudi police have trained locally in the operation of equipment for border control. Critics see this as an inadmissible mixture of private-sector interests and sovereign tasks.
See also
Web links
- Reinhard Scholzen : The BGS - history of the federal police. Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-613-02677-5 .
- Reinhard Scholzen: The Federal Police - More than young wine in old bottles? In: Polizei heute 2, 2010, pp. 58–63.
- Martin HW Möllers / Robert Chr. Van Ooyen: Federal Police. Political development - constitutional law - research, Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, 2nd edition, Frankfurt a. M. 2015, ISBN 978-3-86676-418-7
- Captainleutnant i. BGS Siegfried Lappoehn: Federal Border Police See , in: Troop practice . Journal for tactics, technology and training , year 1971, issue 6, pp. 472–474.
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d Figures, data, facts. In: Police. Retrieved March 26, 2020 .
- ↑ Federal budget 2020. In: https://www.bundeshaushalt.de/ . Federal Ministry of Finance, 2020, accessed on March 25, 2020 .
- ↑ Act to rename the Federal Border Police to the Federal Police (PDF)
- ↑ Federal Government : bill of the Federal Government: a draft law renaming the Federal in Federal Police . Ed .: 15th German Bundestag . April 7, 2005 ( BT-Drs. 15/5217 [accessed on May 6, 2020] with official justification, statement by the Federal Council and counter-statement by the Federal Government).
- ↑ BVerfG , judgment of January 28, 1998 , Az. 2 BvF 3/92 paragraph no. 1-112.
- ↑ Statements by Minister Rudolf Köberle (Baden-Württemberg) and Minister of State Herbert Mertin (Rhineland-Palatinate) (PDF; 671 kB)
- ↑ TOP 28 of the 809th meeting of the Federal Council; Returns from the mediation committee
- ^ Letter to the editor Mr. Burfeind, German Police, issue 07/2005 (PDF; 1.2 MB)
- ^ Letter to the editor Mr. Zimmermann, German police . Issue 11/2005 (PDF; 2.9 MB)
- ^ Cooperative Security - The federal special police forces in the federal state. (PDF, 677 kB) (No longer available online.) Federal Ministry of the Interior , December 9, 2010, archived from the original on January 12, 2012 ; Retrieved September 9, 2013 .
- ↑ Signals for a new security architecture. (PDF, 46 kB) Summary of the report of the commission "Evaluation of security authorities". (No longer available online.) Federal Ministry of the Interior , December 9, 2010, archived from the original ; Retrieved September 9, 2013 .
- ↑ De Maizière receives report. (No longer available online.) Federal Ministry of the Interior , December 9, 2010, archived from the original ; Retrieved September 9, 2013 .
- ↑ Steffen Hebestreit: Blooming reform fantasies. Frankfurter Rundschau , January 14, 2011, accessed on September 9, 2013 .
- ^ Report of the Tagesschau. tagesschau.de, December 9, 2010, archived from the original on February 8, 2013 ; Retrieved December 9, 2010 .
- ↑ Law of June 21, 2005 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1818 ).
- ↑ BGSG of October 19, 1994 ( Federal Law Gazette I pp. 2978, 2979 ).
- ↑ Railway Police ( Memento from September 20, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
- ^ Protection for federal objects. Federal Police, accessed on March 26, 2020 .
- ↑ BMIBGebV - Special Fee Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs for individually attributable public services in its area of responsibility. Retrieved February 6, 2020 .
- ↑ Federal budget 2019. (pdf) In: https://www.bundeshaushalt.de/ . Federal Ministry of Finance, December 17, 2018, accessed on August 20, 2019 .
- ↑ Organization chart of the Federal Police. In: Federal Police. December 6, 2019, accessed April 11, 2020 .
- ↑ https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/74159/4300902
- ↑ Federal Police Directorate Munich: Traveler beats train attendant - Federal police are looking for witnesses ( Memento from February 17, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). Press release from the Federal Police in Nuremberg on February 5, 2013.
- ^ Federal Police Directorate Munich: Two new federal police stations on the German-Austrian border - Freilassing and Kempten as new inspection locations . Press release from the Rosenheim Federal Police Inspectorate from October 30, 2017.
- ↑ Organization chart of the Federal Police. In: Federal Police. December 6, 2019, accessed April 23, 2020 .
- ^ Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin. (No longer available online.) Federal Police Headquarters , archived from the original on September 23, 2013 ; Retrieved September 9, 2013 .
- ↑ FIMST became Department 66 and the management has also changed - Federal Chairman Ernst G. Walter in conversation with Department Head Dorothea Schoop. In: https://dpolg-bpolg.de/ . German Police Union in the DBB - Federal Police Union, March 22, 2019, accessed on July 12, 2019 .
- ↑ Helmut Brückmann: From the police force to the federal police , Veko-online
- ↑ Federal Police - Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin. Retrieved June 9, 2020 .
- ↑ Federal Police in Sankt Augustin - Hangelar site is being modernized , General-Anzeiger Bonn dated February 11, 2017, accessed on October 28, 2018.
- ↑ Location in Sankt Augustin - 350 new employees for the Federal Police , General-Anzeiger Bonn from January 12, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2019.
- ↑ http://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/05Die-Bundespolizei/03Organisation/02Dirktionen/BP/chronik.html
- ↑ Archived copy ( Memento from October 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Federal Police - Federal Riot Police Directorate - Federal Police Department Duderstadt. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on August 26, 2017 ; accessed on August 26, 2017 .
- ↑ a b Federal Police - Federal Riot Police. Retrieved August 26, 2017 .
- ↑ GSG 9 is now fighting terror from Kreuzberg. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .
- ↑ Federal Interior Minister de Maizière visits new Directorate 11 of the Federal Police. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on August 27, 2017 ; accessed on August 26, 2017 .
- ↑ Thomas Helbig: BUNDESPOLIZEI compact 60 years of the Federal Police Air Service. April 2015. Retrieved August 26, 2017 .
- ^ Federal Police - Federal Police Flight Service. Retrieved August 26, 2017 .
- ↑ a b Federal Police Fliegerstaffel Fuhlendorf. (No longer available online.) Federal Police Headquarters , archived from the original on September 23, 2013 ; Retrieved September 9, 2013 .
- ↑ On the trail of metal thieves. (Flash video) In: Broadcast “DAS!” NDR , August 13, 2013, accessed on September 9, 2013 .
- ↑ a b Schleswig-Holstein Magazin from August 31, 2013. (Flash Video) NDR , August 31, 2013, archived from the original on September 4, 2013 ; Retrieved September 9, 2013 (section 0h22m40s-0h23m35s).
- ↑ North German Fliegerstaffel celebrates its 50th anniversary. Federal Ministry of the Interior , August 30, 2013, accessed on September 9, 2013 .
- ^ Bad Bramstedt Federal Police Heliport. helis.com, accessed September 9, 2013 .
- ^ Federal Police Directorate 11. In: bundespolizei.de. Retrieved May 16, 2020 .
- ↑ HS Bund - FB Bundespolizei (Lübeck). (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on June 27, 2017 ; accessed on June 24, 2017 .
- ↑ The Federal Police's training offensive strengthens security. Retrieved June 30, 2020 .
- ^ Reply of the Federal Government . German Bundestag , printed matter 17/6432, July 5, 2011, accessed on January 1, 2018 (PDF).
- ↑ https://strategie-technik.blogspot.com/2018/08/bundespolizei-erhalt-enok-61-als.html
- ↑ https://strategie-technik.blogspot.com/2018/08/bundespolizei-modernisiert-geschracht.html
- ↑ Operation ships as well as control and patrol boats. (No longer available online.) Www.kuestenwache.net, archived from the original on January 21, 2017 ; accessed on January 21, 2017 .
- ↑ Federal Police - News - Second new Federal Police operation ship put into service. Retrieved September 20, 2019 .
- ↑ BPOLD-BBS: With the ceremonial christening of the third new mission ship with the name "BAD DÜBEN", the fleet of the Federal Police is complete. Retrieved December 14, 2019 .
- ↑ sueddeutsche.de. Süddeutsche Zeitung , March 1, 2018, accessed on August 3, 2020 . , see also bundespolizei.de
- ↑ career website of the Federal Police. Retrieved September 3, 2019 .
- ↑ Federal police career Instagram channel. Retrieved September 4, 2019 .
- ↑ Federal Police on Facebook. Retrieved September 4, 2019 .
- ↑ "In action with ..." - New YouTube series portrays federal police officers. In: https://www.bundespolizei.de/ . September 18, 2018, accessed September 3, 2019 .
- ^ Website of the YouTube channel “Bundespolizei Karriere”. Retrieved September 4, 2019 .
- ↑ Homepage of the podcast "Funk Discipline". Retrieved September 4, 2019 .
- ↑ Police advertise for young athletes with a fitness course in Bielefeld. Newspaper publisher Neue Westfälische GmbH & Co. KG, November 4, 2017, accessed on August 23, 2019 .
- ^ "Coffee with a Cop" at the train station. February 6, 2019, accessed August 23, 2019 .
- ^ ProAsyl .
- ↑ BigBrotherAwards 2013 Category Authorities & Administration , accessed on April 13, 2013.
- ↑ Discrimination: Accusations of racism against the federal police are increasing. In: Spiegel Online . January 6, 2013, accessed June 9, 2018 .
- ↑ Printed matter 18/8037 of April 6, 2016.
- ↑ Police officer allegedly mistreated refugees , article on zeit.de from May 17, 2015, accessed on June 21, 2016.
- ↑ Apparently no mistreatment by the federal police , report on ndr.de from April 10, 2016, accessed on June 21, 2016
- ↑ https://www.proasyl.de/news/rassismus-bei-der-bundespolizei-nichts-hoeren-nichts-sehen-nichts-sagen/
- ↑ Against the corps spirit. In: sueddeutsche.de. May 25, 2015, accessed March 9, 2018 .
- ↑ sueddeutsche.de: BP in Saudi Arabia, Hart an der Grenz , report from July 15, 2011, accessed on June 21, 2016.