A Ferman is an edict , decree , power of attorney or ordinance of a sovereign in Islamic countries. The document is signed by him or one of his ministers appointed to do so. The term has its origin in Persian فرمان/ farmān and means something like "order", "regulation" or "order".
Fermane was more common in the Ottoman Empire , the Indian Mughal Empire and Iran under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi . The Turkish word Ferman has been adopted into German. The term is also used for permits or passports .
Fermane of the Ottoman Sultan with historical significance

The Ferman for the establishment of the exarchate in Bulgarian, Ottoman and Greek
- 1478: A reform Ferman of Fatih Sultan Mehmet confirms freedom of belief to clergy in Bosnia after the conquest of the country .
- 1727: Ibrahim Müteferriká is in a Ferman of Sultan Ahmet III. allowed the establishment of a printing house in Constantinople.
- 1811: The island governor of Aegina grants the architects Charles Robert Cockerell and Carl Haller von Hallerstein the export of the gable sculptures of the temple of Aphaia , previously acquired by the landowner , which are shipped via Athens and Zante to Malta, where they are acquired by the art agent of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig . They have been on view in the Munich Glyptothek since 1812 .
- 1826: Sultan Mahmut II orders the dissolution of all Janissary units in his empire via Ferman .
- On August 28, 1840, the Egyptian governor Muhammad Ali Pasha confirmed in a Ferman the innocence of the Jews from Damascus accused in the Damascus affair.
- On June 1, 1841, the province of Egypt was granted autonomy under its governor Muhammad Ali Pasha .
- On January 5, 1856 the concession to build the Suez Canal and to set up a joint-stock company was granted with a Ferman of the Turkish Sultan .
- 1867: The transfer of the city of Belgrade to Serbia is settled with a Ferman .
- February 28, 1870: Ferman for the establishment of the Bulgarian Exarchate (Sultan Abdülaziz )
- 1880: The German excavations in Pergamon are approved by a Ferman von der Pforte .