Fiche S.

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Fiche S ([ fɪʃ ʔɛs ], German  identification card index S ) is a database of the French security authorities. In it are dangerous persons listed. The "S" stands for Sûreté de l'État ( German  State Security ). The entries in Fiche S are mainly made by the Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure (DGSI, German  General Directorate for Internal Security ).


In France, a Fiche S is an indicator used by law enforcement agencies to identify a person who is considered a serious threat to national security. The Fiche S is divided into various categories, which are identified by numbers ranging from "S1" to "S16". The categorization does not correspond to the classification of "dangerousness" of a person, but rather determined the measures to be taken by the police when they checked a person an entry in the fiche S has.

General wanted file

The general wanted file ( French Fichier des personnes recherchées , RPF) is a computer file of the French National Police ( French Police nationale ). It is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior and consists of twenty-one sub-files, depending on the cause of the search, for example:

  • Fiche AL: insane (aliénés)
  • Fiche E: searched by the immigration authorities (police générale des étrangers)
  • Fiche FSPRT: Report file on terrorist prevention and radicalization (fichier pour la prévention et la radicalization à caractère terroriste)
  • Fiche IT: Residence ban in France (interdiction du territoire)
  • Fiche M: runaway minors (mineurs fugueurs)
  • Fiche PJ: court-ordered search (recherches de police judiciaire)
  • Fiche R: Ban on residence in France (opposition à résidence en France)
  • Fiche S: Endangering State Security (Sûreté de l'État)
  • Fiche T: debtor to the treasury;
  • Fiche TE: Entry ban to France (opposition à l'entrée en France)
  • Fiche V: escaped prisoners (évadés)
  • Fiche X: missing persons (personnes disparues)

As of November 1, 2010, this wanted file contained 406,849 entries. On September 28, 2018, 20,459 people were registered in the Prevention of Terrorism File (FSPRT), including 3,391 foreigners and 619 citizens with dual nationalities.

Persons in the Fiche S

Former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls reported on November 24, 2015 that 20,000 people in France were listed in the Fiche S , including 10,500 for their membership or alleged links to the Islamist movement ( jihadists , Salafists ). As of December 14, 2018, the file contains 26,000 people.

The other people listed in Fiche S can be terrorists (e.g. Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), the League affiliated with Tamil movements, the Hezbollah military wing , hooligans (violent football fans), members of the black bloc , right-wing extremists or left-wing extremists ). In “Fiche S 14”, for example, the jihadists who have returned from Iraq or Syria are listed.

The classifications under S1 to S16 mean “do not attract attention”, via “Immediate notification to the requesting service”, via “Identifying accompanying persons” to “Photocopying ID documents”. S5 means to register a border crossing, but it does not include searching the baggage or monitoring the person in question on French territory. The same suspect can have several classifications, for example a simultaneous classification in S2 and S10.

The fiche S allows monitoring of a person, but is not necessarily cause for an arrest. The entries are checked every two years and corrected if necessary.

The threshold for inclusion in the Fiche S is significantly lower than for inclusion in the German threat files.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Loi n ° 95-73 du 21 janvier 1995 d'orientation et de programmation relative à la sécurité - Article 26 , Parliament of France. January 21, 1995. Accessed December 22, 2018. 
  2. Terrorisme: plus de 20,000 personnes inscrites au FSPRT , Le Journals du Dimanche, November 4, 2018. Accessed December 22, 2018.
  3. Fiche S: qu'est ce que c'est? Combien de personnes sont concernées? , Novopress. Retrieved December 23, 2018.
  4. Samuel Laurent, Terrorisme: qu'est-ce que la "fiche S"? , Le Monde, August 31, 2015. Retrieved December 22, 2018.
  5. Brèves du désordre . April 22, 2017. Retrieved December 22, 2018.
  6. Thomas Kirchner: The list of threats, on which Chérif C. is . In: . 2018, ISSN  0174-4917 ( [accessed December 13, 2018]).
  7. ^ Deutsche Welle ( Fiche S: The list of dangerous people in France | DW |. December 12, 2018, accessed on December 13, 2018 (German).
  8. Fact check: Islamist "threats" in Germany , Deutsche Welle, December 12, 2018. Accessed December 22, 2018.