Filip De Man

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Filip De Man

Filip Emiel Julien De Man (born November 11, 1955 in Roeselare ) is a Flemish politician and journalist . He has a degree in literature and philosophy and lives in Vilvoorde . He is the son of lawyer and author Jos De Man and brother of actress Brigitte De Man.

Political career

In 1991 he became a member of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies for the Vlaams Belang (the former Vlaams Blok). In his party he belongs to the most right-wing group, with a firm anti-immigrant standpoint. He said that a Muslim could not be a democrat. In the Chamber of Deputies, he opposes the naturalization of hundreds of thousands of foreigners and the covert legalization of illegal immigrants. With regard to the crime figures, he pleads for an honest education of the citizens. As an advocate of tough crackdown on criminals, he advocates the actual execution of pronounced custodial sentences, the death penalty for murderers such as Dutroux and Aït Oud, the deportation of convicted persons with a migration background and the active search for terrorist cells.

With regard to energy and climate, he takes the position that the third and fourth generation nuclear power plants, together with the hydrogen economy, offer an answer to both the blackmailing of petroleum by hostile regimes and difficulties with energy supply, and in any case, global warming is not unsuitable (although he doubts that humans are the most important responsible for this warming).

With regard to the relationship between the communities in Belgium, he took the position “good administration = Flemish administration” and advocated the introduction of subnationality in Brussels, with residents being able to vote for the Flemish social and fiscal system. According to him, this should lead to a stronger position in the final negotiations on the division of Belgium ( Brussels Congress Book , 1999). His view on Europe is confederal, with a strong emphasis on the principle of subsidiarity and the development of Fortress Europe to prevent mass immigration from the south.

On May 26, 2019, he succeeded in entering the European Parliament in the 2019 European elections .


  • 1999 De Zaak Demol, een commissaris geflikt , translated into French: L'Affaire Demol. Un poulet chez les ânes (The Demol case. How a commissioner was trumped).
  • 2003 De Eeuwige Strijd. Hellas, Rome en Europa in het juiste perspectief (The Eternal Struggle. Hellas, Rome and Europe in correct perspective).
  • 2007 L'Etat PS. De Maffia aan de power . Co-author with Frank Vanhecke, translated into French: L'Etat-PS. La mafia au pouvoir (The PS state. The mafia in power).
  • 2007 De Eeuwige Strijd II. Europe: van Dageraad tot Avondland (The Eternal Struggle II. Europe: from dawn to the west).

In the first two parts of De Eeuwige Strijd he shows himself to be an opponent of cultural relativism and egalitarianism and he takes sides with the views of geneticists, sociobiologists and evolutionary psychologists.

Filip De Man was co-author of several publications: De kostprijs van de immigratie (The cost of immigration), Requisitoir tegen de drugsprofeten (criminal complaint against drug prophets ), Waarheen met de politiediensten ( What to do with the police?), AIDS: geen paniek ? (AIDS: Don't panic?), Vlaams Blok: de Gezinspartij (Vlaams Blok: the family party) and Dossier politieke vluchtelingen (Dossier political refugees).

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