Finance Council (Free City of Gdansk)

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The Finance Council was a constitutional body of the Free City of Danzig .


The duties of the Finance Council were regulated in Article 56 of the Constitution of the Free City of Danzig of November 17, 1920. The following resolutions then required the approval of the Finance Council:

  • new taxes;
  • Taking out loans and providing guarantees;
  • Expenses for which there is not yet any cover or for which cover is to be provided through borrowing.

If measures from this catalog were not approved by the Finance Council, it informed the Senate of this within two weeks and had another two weeks to justify the decision in writing. After that, the People's Day could override the vote with a new resolution and still put the disputed regulation into force.


The Danzig Finance Council initially consisted of ten members and, according to the Amendment Act of October 4, 1924, eleven members. His office included the chairman of the supreme court, which is decisive in tax matters (this was the Higher Administrative Court, see Courts in the Free City of Gdansk ), the head of the independent accounting office and the president of the Bank of Gdansk . Three members each were elected by the People's Day and the Senate. The city citizenship of the city of Gdansk elected a member. The last member was elected by the magistrate of the city of Sopot and the district committees of the three districts.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Constitution of the Free City of Danzig from November 17, 1920
  2. Law of February 9, 1923, Gazette p. 291
  3. Supplementary Act of October 4, 1924, Gazette p. 458