Fish Never Sleep

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Original title Fish Never Sleep
Country of production Great Britain
original language English
Publishing year 2002
length 6 minutes
Director Gaëlle Denis
script Gaëlle Denis
production Royal College of Art
music Jocelyn Miennel
cut Tony Fish
Kevan O'Brien

Fish Never Sleep is a 2002 British animated short film directed by Gaëlle Denis .


Naoko is the owner of a sushi restaurant not far from the Tsukiji fish market . She has not slept in 14 days and suffers from insomnia. She hopes to be able to fall asleep the next night and tries different things to get sleep. It is unsuccessful. At the same time, she has to be fit for work every day. She wonders if she is like the fish that don't sleep either. The path of the caught fish through the processing facilities to the Tsukiji market and into the shops is followed.

One sleepless night, Naoko gets on her motorcycle and speeds through the big city at night. Her tiredness makes her lose orientation and so she falls off a bridge on her motorcycle and drowns in the sea. It is brought ashore by a fishing net and fed with countless fish for fish processing. On an assembly line on which the fish are cut up, their bodies finally cause their work to be abruptly interrupted. As the narrator, Naoko says she now knows why fish never sleep - because otherwise they would be easy to catch.


Gaëlle Denis created Fish Never Sleep as a project while studying at the School of Communications at the Royal College of Art . The film was partly computer and partly hand-animated. The narrator or voice of Naoko is Caroline Bresard .


Fish Never Sleep won the 2003 BAFTA for Best Animated Short Film .

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