Flemish nationalism

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The Flemish nationalism is a separatist movement that for one of Belgium independent Flemish employing state or at least the power wants to limit the Belgian central government in favor of the Flemish region strongly. Some of the Flemish nationalists, the so-called Greater Dutch or Dietsche direction, advocate unification of Flanders with the Netherlands .


Flemish nationalist positions are represented in almost all Flemish parties. However, some parties explicitly represent them in the party program. The N-VA was elected the strongest party in the Belgian parliament in 2010. The right-wing extremist party Vlaams Belang , the former Vlaams Blok, combines demands for Flemish independence with explicitly racist positions. The Libertair, Direct, Democratisch represented in the Belgian parliament can also be attributed to Flemish nationalism with its demand for a Belgian confederation .


  • Kas Deprez, Louis Vos (Ed.): Nationalism in Belgium. Hampshire 1998.
  • Bruno De Wever: Greep naar de power. Vlaams-nationalisme en nieuwe orde. Tielt 1995.