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The term confederation ( Latin confoederatio “alliance”, from foedus , -eris , “the federation”) refers to a contractual union of independent units that appear together externally, but retain their sovereignty . It is generally associated with a higher degree of independence of the sub-units than is the case with a federation . As a result, the concept of a confederation has to be clearly distinguished from that of the federal state , since it cannot allocate its responsibilities to itself from its own power ( competence-competence ). The confederation is therefore more of an umbrella organization of several states or institutions .

Nevertheless, the term “confederation” is sometimes used for the federal state for traditional reasons, for example in Switzerland .

Association of States

The term confederation is often used in relation to intergovernmental politics, but it is also used as an umbrella term for various forms of cooperation. Examples:

The Confederate States of America (1861–1865) are a special case . “Confederation” was included in the name, but in comparison with the Federation of the Northern States , the United States , this did not result in greater autonomy for the member states . The constitution was similar to that of the Union.

The Swiss Confederation also describes itself as a confederation. In Latin, her name is Confoederatio Helvetica ( nationality symbol CH). However, the constitutional norm corresponds to that of a federal state (federation).

Monarchies linked by personal union are not regarded as confederations .

Union of political groups

In Poland-Lithuania (1569–1795) a confederation designated an alliance of nobles, mostly for the purpose of an uprising against the ruler .

Examples in other areas

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: Confederation  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations