Refugee list

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Refugee List was the name of a publication published in the immediate post-war period of World War II , which appeared for the first time in October 1945. It served to bring together the aristocratic families expelled from the east of Germany . The editors were Jürgen von Flotow , who came from Mecklenburg, and Hans Friedrich von Ehrenkrook, who was expelled from Silesia .

By December 1948, 16 refugee lists had been published, in which new addresses and family news (engagements, marriages, births and deaths, including those who were killed, shot and voluntarily divorced) were published. The refugee lists changed their name from number 12 to “German Aristocratic Archives”, but continued to count the issues. They became the forerunners of the German Adelsblatt, which is still published .

In addition to addresses and genealogical data, genealogical and heraldic works, especially old and new Gotha paperbacks were searched for, as well as copies of ancestral tables , family tables , etc. for storage in the German Aristocratic Archives .